Spencer explains Windows gaming absence at E3

The Microsoft press conference made good on its "Game On" title by focusing almost exclusively on games from start to finish. But all of them were on Xbox.

Phil Spencer told Polygon that this doesn't reflect shifting priorities for Microsoft, but rather attention to the venue.

"E3's a retail show," Spencer said. "It's a retail show, it's a console show, so it didn't really feel like the right place for us to talk about Windows, but Windows and gaming on Windows is critical to Microsoft's success."

Spencer isn't just in charge of Xbox - he's head of all the companies gaming efforts, which he feels are strong in different ways.

"When we're doing gaming strategy, gaming focus inside the company, that's my job," Spencer said. "I think in a lot of ways, you could argue gaming on Windows has never been more healthy in that the biggest of the big franchises, League of Legends, World of Tanks, those things dwarf a lot of what we're doing in this console space in terms of users and monetization. They're all on PC."

Spencer said in April that gaming could help revitalize Microsoft as a consumer brand, doing for it what the iPod did for Apple.

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Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/468410/spencer-explains-windows-gaming-absence-at-e3/


"Spencer explains Windows gaming absence at E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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Everyone is asking for a PC release but it will be something you have to give them time on if anything, We all know by now they do not rush on anything they do.


I only play Xbox and Playstation so this doesn't bother me, although I would like some new PC games as I play them from time to time.


They should reveal some pc games i think it would be interesting.


I think it makes sense why they wouldn't announce anything related to PC gaming.


You know what, I don't even care. The news of new games is enough for me.


E3 about consoles and if its not a exclusive then its on PC


I wouldn't really say E3 was just for consoles to be honest ?


Miss That makes sense to why he didn't. I don't think I would have talked about it either at a console focused show.

Which is exactly why there wasn't any PC presence. No one there cares about PC. It's a console show, so it would waste MS's time and the hosters of E3's time.

Well people do care about PC gaming as it is very popular. But no one watches E3 expecting to hear anything about PC games.

exactly when i think of E3 i imagine Consoles/Games. PC would be more at other gaming conventions.

There were PC only games at E3. Sims 4 was the only one that was in any of the press conferences. The next day at the show floor 2K was showing off things like the new Civilization game. There were a number of PC games on the show floor. Still E3 normally has only big budget games from large companies. There is a lot more PC games at the PAX conventions and CES. Valve who is the largest game company that does not show up to E3 has their major press conference at CES.

I suppose their is PC Games, but it is mostly about consoles really

Most of the games available are on pc because most are cross-platform. E3 is more for the big companies and sort of pushes away the smaller companies and indie games. Which tend to go for the most part only on PC. These small companies avoid E3 because they see it as a waste of money to market their game with a 2 million dollar budget against the mega gaming corporations with games that have 60 million dollar budgets plus a press conference to show them off.


Maggardo It makes sense that they wouldn't talk about PC gaming.

Yea it makes a lot of sence...


Miss That makes sense to why he didn't. I don't think I would have talked about it either at a console focused show.

Which is exactly why there wasn't any PC presence. No one there cares about PC. It's a console show, so it would waste MS's time and the hosters of E3's time.

Well people do care about PC gaming as it is very popular. But no one watches E3 expecting to hear anything about PC games.

exactly when i think of E3 i imagine Consoles/Games. PC would be more at other gaming conventions.

There were PC only games at E3. Sims 4 was the only one that was in any of the press conferences. The next day at the show floor 2K was showing off things like the new Civilization game. There were a number of PC games on the show floor. Still E3 normally has only big budget games from large companies. There is a lot more PC games at the PAX conventions and CES. Valve who is the largest game company that does not show up to E3 has their major press conference at CES.