Xbox One promo offers $75 voucher for 360 upgraders

Microsoft is offering $75 in online credit to encourage certain US Xbox 360 owners to upgrade to Xbox One.

The deal was spotted by NeoGAF user BeforeU, who posted images of a promotion appearing on the Xbox 360 dashboard. It offers a $75 promotional code with the purchase of an Xbox One system or bundle from a Microsoft Store or "local retailer".

According to the fine print, the offer is only applicable to Xbox Live account holders who receive the notification on their Xbox 360 console, and only in the US. The promotion lasts through the end of July.

This credit can be used to purchase games, add-on content, or any other items available via the Xbox marketplace, meaning customers who make use of the deal can download their first full-priced game for free with some credit to spare.

Microsoft says that Xbox One's July update, which adds Snap functionality to the achievements app, will arrive "in the coming days".

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"Xbox One promo offers $75 voucher for 360 upgraders" :: Login/Create an Account :: 60 comments

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Ortho That's a good price for a 360
I don't know, I thought that was a bit more on the cheap side for it. I think that a simple slim console could be should on eBay with cables and controller for at least $100. I think that it's good that they are trying to get people to upgrade but the 360 is still an active console and that's where most of my friends play so I don't see too many people taking advantage of this offer.


GBs I wish they did this for UK and in the UK it is more expensive too!

I wish they did this in the uk aswell I was thinking of buying an xbox one soon and this would have just tilted me that way even more.................but ohh well

Yeah it's stupid they're not doing it globally.


GBs I wish they did this for UK and in the UK it is more expensive too!

I wish they did this in the uk aswell I was thinking of buying an xbox one soon and this would have just tilted me that way even more.................but ohh well


I wish they did this for UK and in the UK it is more expensive too!


Hei Seriously? why not GIVE us Gold Members actual games with gold instead of S***y arcade games? Xbox One owners feel like WiiU owners now since PS4 is basically taking all the First Party Exclusive games and Xbox One still relies on 3 party games, which might I add look worst on the Xbox One. So basically PS4 literally makes Xbox One look like an Extremely worst console to choose from out of the two.

No not really the console just came out its not like the games with gold is gonna be watch dogs or something.


Hei Seriously? why not GIVE us Gold Members actual games with gold instead of S***y arcade games? Xbox One owners feel like WiiU owners now since PS4 is basically taking all the First Party Exclusive games and Xbox One still relies on 3 party games, which might I add look worst on the Xbox One. So basically PS4 literally makes Xbox One look like an Extremely worst console to choose from out of the two.

Seriously. The Games with Gold was so lame this month. Who the **** wants to play Battleblock Theater? And nobody flame me saying you shouldn't complain about free ****, because if your paying for Gold, you want the most out of it. Here's for hoping Far Cry 3, L4D2, or Skate 3 is one of the free games in August.

I agree with you guys. I really wish they gave us CoD 4 on the One for Games with gold. I could get bad games for the rest of my life from games with gold. I have playstation for good ones. I just want CoD4 for Xbox one.

yea i wish they would bring the old games which you cant play for real like mw2 and cod 4 for the xbox one


Speedforce Well its not a bad idea, its just not a whole lot towards an xbox one, when you haven't saved any money before hand.

Very true, Curtis. I still have no money saved up for this hefty priced console...

That price tag is still a little too steep for my taste, but I am getting there.


Well its not a bad idea, its just not a whole lot towards an xbox one, when you haven't saved any money before hand.


Hei Seriously? why not GIVE us Gold Members actual games with gold instead of S***y arcade games? Xbox One owners feel like WiiU owners now since PS4 is basically taking all the First Party Exclusive games and Xbox One still relies on 3 party games, which might I add look worst on the Xbox One. So basically PS4 literally makes Xbox One look like an Extremely worst console to choose from out of the two.

Seriously. The Games with Gold was so lame this month. Who the **** wants to play Battleblock Theater? And nobody flame me saying you shouldn't complain about free ****, because if your paying for Gold, you want the most out of it. Here's for hoping Far Cry 3, L4D2, or Skate 3 is one of the free games in August.

I agree with you guys. I really wish they gave us CoD 4 on the One for Games with gold. I could get bad games for the rest of my life from games with gold. I have playstation for good ones. I just want CoD4 for Xbox one.


All of you saying it still costs too much should be thankful. The Xbox One costs 400 ($684) just for the console itself in the UK.