Room - April 28, prices range from $0.50 to $5
Super Breakout (Atari)
Pitfall! (Activision)
Megamania (Activision)
Night Stalker (Mattel Electronics)
Rack 'Em Up (Konami)
Realsports Volleyball (Atari)
Basketball (Atari)
Xbox Live Arcade
Puzzle Chronicles - April 21, 800 ($10)
After Burner Climax - April 21, 800 ($10)
Tecmo Bowl - April 28, 800 ($10)
Deal of the Week
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai - April 26, 400 ($5)
Zombie Apocalypse - May 3, 400 ($5)
Lips: April DLC list - prices vary
Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing - April 22, 560 ($7)
Mega Man 10: "Endless Attack" mode, "Special Stage 2" and "Special
Stage 3" (Capcom) - April 28, 80 ($1) each
BioShock 2: Rapture Metro - April 29, 800 ($10)
Just Cause 2: Black Market Aerial Pack - April 29, 160 ($2)
Games on Demand
Shrek the Third - April 27
Far Cry 2 - April 27
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - April 27
Avatar items
Saints Row 2 - April 28
Diesel - April 29
Room - April 28, prices range from $0.50 to $5
Super Breakout (Atari)
Pitfall! (Activision)
Megamania (Activision)
Night Stalker (Mattel Electronics)
Rack 'Em Up (Konami)
Realsports Volleyball (Atari)
Basketball (Atari)
Xbox Live Arcade
Puzzle Chronicles - April 21, 800 ($10)
After Burner Climax - April 21, 800 ($10)
Tecmo Bowl - April 28, 800 ($10)
Deal of the Week
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai - April 26, 400 ($5)
Zombie Apocalypse - May 3, 400 ($5)
Lips: April DLC list - prices vary
Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing - April 22, 560 ($7)
Mega Man 10: "Endless Attack" mode, "Special Stage 2" and "Special
Stage 3" (Capcom) - April 28, 80 ($1) each
BioShock 2: Rapture Metro - April 29, 800 ($10)
Just Cause 2: Black Market Aerial Pack - April 29, 160 ($2)
Games on Demand
Shrek the Third - April 27
Far Cry 2 - April 27
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - April 27
Avatar items
Saints Row 2 - April 28
Diesel - April 29
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