Google Chrome will start flagging misleading downloads

Not surprisingly, Google wants to keep everyone on the internet as protected as possible -- after all, it has to stay true to its "don't be evil" ways. Today, in an effort to continue guarding you from virtual harm, the search giant has introduced a new feature that's part of its Safe Browsing initiative.

According to Google, the goal with this expansion is to protect people "against additional kinds of deceptive software," something like a malware program that may be looking to make abrupt changes to a computer. On the Chrome browser, soon you'll start seeing a warning every time a third-party tries to lure you into downloading a piece of software -- ultimately, though, it's up to you to determine whether or not to install it. Naturally, Google's blog post does emphasize that you should always beware of the sources you trust, but you already knew that, right? Life 101, folks.

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"Google Chrome will start flagging misleading downloads" :: Login/Create an Account :: 45 comments

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Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

Just use Firefox and Bing if you're worried about it.

Bing?! Are you legally insane?!


Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

Just use Firefox and Bing if you're worried about it.


This is a nice feature hopefully it will stop companies from adding stupid tool bars and adware onto downloads. Plus maybe the sites that shove 1000 download buttons onto one page will just show the real download button and replace the others with real ads.


I totally go with google on this. Hope this turns out well.


Hope this works out good!


Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

No. It would just be some further warning about the download having some sort of malware or something along those lines in it.


Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

No, it shouldn't. At least I think it wouldn't.


Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

Let's hope it doesn't! Hopefully we have some control over what can be blocked!


Rugs Would this stop torrent downloads?

I don't think so. It only gives you an additional warning on downloading. It doesn't block it completely. Still a pretty cool feature though. :)


Would this stop torrent downloads?