DriveClub trailer jockeys for position

A new trailer for DriveClub shows off the game's visually impressive high-speed showdowns with "100 percent PS4 footage".

The racer lets players build up success for both themselves and their "club" by completing challenges and beating rivals online. It will be available as a full retail/digital release and in a pared-down edition free for PS Plus subscribers.

The DriveClub release date is October 7 in North America, October 8 in Europe and October 10 in the UK.

The game will receive free add-on tracks and cars each month, alongside paid DLC.

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ehh, doesn't looks that different from the other sims available.


Hmm looks fun but I'll probably wait for a friend to get it.


Seems pretty cool, although I don't plan to get a PS4 I would love to try it out if I had the chance.