No quick-scoping in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, promises SH

Sledgehammer’s Michael Condry is promising no quick-scoping in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

Speaking to 3 News, he said that the development team has worked hard to balance classes, leaving less room to exploit auto-aim and diminish the semi-realistic nature of the shooter.

“Let me put it this way, sniper classes are not going to be overpowered relative to their peers,” he said. “The ability to master a sniper rifle and be great at it will be equal to the ability to master any other class.

“We’ve done some things to make sure snipers are not able to take advantage of their properties – for example, there are attachments based on weapon classes that are specific. The ability to quick-draw with an assault rifle is important, but you don’t want to have the ability to quick-draw with a sniper rifle because that lends itself to being a faster, quick-scope model.

“We spent a lot of time trying to focus on it so I think sniper class players will find that it’s a really rewarding experience, but it won’t be over-powered relative to their peers.”

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is out November 3 for Day Zero pre-orders.

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"No quick-scoping in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, promises SH" :: Login/Create an Account :: 108 comments

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Ages Well there goes half of their sales! He promised No quickscoping and says "it will be as hard as any other class" Half of the people that play CoD Snipe so there goes money on different Games. Stupid Creators

without qs anyways most guns would win a gun fight not equal , im a quickscoper and i can rape with reg guns tho sniping makes it fun but owell hopefully its like black ops 1


I seen Optic quicks-scoping on there so it is possible for them lol but i see advance Warfare stopped quick-scoping on this game


They took quickscoping from Black Ops 1 and that was my favourite.
Doubt this little adjustment will change my opinion though.


Well there goes half of their sales! He promised No quickscoping and says "it will be as hard as any other class" Half of the people that play CoD Snipe so there goes money on different Games. Stupid Creators


COD is getting to be horrible nowadays.


im glad there isnt quick scoping theres always that one kid who only quick scopes in matches, even in competitive i cant tell you how many rounds i have lost because someone decided to whip out the sniper and try and look good and honestly even the concept of quickscoping has been retarded to me.


I still don't understand why people are still buying these? There are way better games in every genre.


Now all the MLG pro quickscopers will have to take a break for a year. :(


I still don't get it, what the hell is wrong with quickscoping? It's not bad, it isn't hurting anyone, yet everyone hates it.


People think they're good you don't need skill to be good at that game unlike the old cods. That what these developers need to worry about not qs so much