Google offers bleeding edge Chrome to developers

Google has launched a new program to allow users to opt-in to getting updated builds of even more frequently then normal. Not only will users who opt-in to this service get more updates, their feedback will be given higher priority when compared with regular users.

"Google Chrome now provides a way for people to get early-access releases automatically: the Dev channel," said Mark Larson, Chrome Program Manager, "We will release new builds to the Dev channel about every week so that you can preview--and provide feedback on--what's coming in Google Chrome."

This frequent update service is targeted at web developers, testers and early adopted focused on helping to make Google Chrome better, not average users of Chrome. Users should be warned that the releases that come down the dev channel update pipe are expected to be less stable then normal.

Those who want the latest versions can install the "Google Chrome Channel Chooser" and set their update preferences to "Dev" in order to get more updates. After changing preferences, users can find if there's a new version by clicking the wrench icon on the Chrome toolbar, then selecting "About Google Chrome." If an update is available, users can update there, then reboot restart to enable the changes.



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