The 'Mirror's Edge' sequel is due to launch in early 2016
The sequel to the beloved 2008 parkour game Mirror's Edge is scheduled to release in early 2016 for consoles and PC, EA's quarterly financial presentation reveals (PDF). EA announced a new Mirror's Edge during E3 2014, but didn't provide any information about the release window, platforms or gameplay details, so this is the best we have so far. EA's financial presentation suggests the game will launch on consoles and PC within the same window, from January 1st to March 31st next year. Keep the Faith, folks.
There are a few other treats in EA's financials this time around: A new Need for Speed (subtitle to be announced) is due on consoles and PC during the 2015 holiday season, alongside Star Wars Battlefront, which has a November 17 launch date. A new console and PC Plants vs. Zombies game (name also TBA) is scheduled to drop between January and March 2016.
I cannot wait for this, I still have the first game and I've just finished playing through it again recently, Mirrors Edge is amazing no matter how many times you play it.
Potion Hopefully we hear some stuff about it this year at e3, i loved the original mirrors edge and seriously cant wait to play the second one if its being made.
Hopefully we hear some stuff about it this year at e3, i loved the original mirrors edge and seriously cant wait to play the second one if its being made.
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