Destiny: Trials of Osiris Rife With Reports of Cheating

Destiny’s new PvP-focused event Trials of Osiris isn’t even a week old and it’s already being hit by reports of cheating.

Most complaints are surrounding lag switching, which makes it appear as though enemy players are teleporting across the map. This particular issue usually emerges when Iron Banner, Destiny’s other PvP event, is around and is hard to distinguish from the regular lag that players may experience.

This Reddit post also outlined how a player’s had their internet connections attacked, DDOS-style, causing them to disconnect from the game and grant a win via forfeit to their opponents (users report the error code “Olive” when this happens).

Though the above post was removed for violating rules against witch-hunting, one user commented about an issue encountered by streamer Gothalion (who was present with Bungie during the initial reveal of the Reef in House of Wolves).

“Gothalion was just doing a grenades and melee only Trials run with two other steamers. Their second to last match they encountered a guy who lag switched for the entire match. Not even subtle, stood there and let all 3 of them melee him at once in the first round.”

A quick search on YouTube is also enough to provide evidence against cheaters in Trials of Osiris. This video in particular is worth a look. It will be interesting to see how Bungie reacts to these reports, especially when it warned players to play nice ahead of the event since Bungie is always watching. Stay tuned for more information on the same.

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"Destiny: Trials of Osiris Rife With Reports of Cheating" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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LOL who uses a "lag switch" anymore? xD forgot that was a thing


I haven't heard much of Destiny recently, I know it had this huge hype around it, and to the point that it was going to be a game changer, but I then that hype started to die down quickly. Either way, not good that cheaters are already breaking through so easily and so early with Destiny's new additions.


Not the best reputation having cheaters this early on, they need to fix this soon ot keep the game alive!


There was so much hype leading up to this game. Never played it but this makes me not want to even try it anymore


Quicker this is dealt with the quicker i can enjoy it again.


I Quit Destiny because of the amount of lagswitchers, this needs dealt with ASAP


Not surprised, cheating happens everywhere and in everything.


Lucky not to come up against people like this.
Hope they get banned...


Miss If only people weren't dicks. Like, how is that even fun? Not being able to get killed just ruins everything and not to mention, just a waste of $60.

The games worth 30$ on amazon so you really only wasted 30....

wouldn't what he paid have been wasted?


Miss If only people weren't dicks. Like, how is that even fun? Not being able to get killed just ruins everything and not to mention, just a waste of $60.

The games worth 30$ on amazon so you really only wasted 30....