E3 2015 Recap: Xbox One backwards compatibility, Halo 5, Gears 4, Forza 6

The Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference kicked off the show with 343 Industries’ Bonnie Ross showing the trailer for Halo 5: Guardians, before live gameplay was shown the videos can be found below.

The demo opens with gameplay from Agent Locke's perspective. With Osiris team, he's on the hunt for Master Chief. Locke uses the Artemis, which appears to be a new device that lets you scan the environment for clues.

In the distance, the mammoth "Guardian" looms, and they wonder whether the Chief has already made it on board.

Xbox Phil Spencer said the firm will be showing “the greatest line-up of games” for Xbox One. He then dropped the biggest news ever: backwards compatibility for Xbox 360 games on Xbox One.

Digital titles will show up in the dashboard today, and retail disc will work as well. One of the first titles shown was Mass Effect, and third-party developers will just have to allow the option, as no work is involved in the capability.

Gears of War Ultimate edition will be the first Gears title to land on Xbox One. It has been fully rebuilt and includes new content. The public beta starts today. It’s the original game by the way, not a collection. It will be released on August 25.

The new Gears of War game from The Coalition, is just titled Gears 4 and it will be released during Christmas 2016.

Expect Quantum Break, Crackdown, Scalebound and other new reveals to be shown at Gamescom 2015.

Forza 6 was shown next, with the announcement of 24-player online capabilities. Forza Motorsport 6 launches September 15.

Another world-premiere was shown, and it was Dark Souls 3.

Ubisoft showed the world-premiere E3 2015 video for The Division, it’s online multiplayer title, and it looks much more polished than the first time we saw it. Xbox one players will be able to play The Division beta first in December.

Rainbow Six Siege, which is out October 16, will come with Rainbow Six: Vegas and Vegas 2 for free, the latter will also be available on Xbox One through backwards compatibility.

An Early Access program is in the works, and it will allow Xbox One users to play the game before they decide to purchase it through the Early Access program. Xbox Game Preview program will allow participants to try titles include Day Z and Elite: Dangerous, and the Long Dark.

Forza 6 - Gameplay Trailer (Xbox One)

Dark Souls 3 Trailer

Rare Replay is set to bring 30 games to Xbox One later this year on August 4 for only $30, giving us the definitive Rare experience with most of their library.

With classic games like Battletoads, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day and more, you absolutely cannot go wrong with this collection. This pricing is absolutely perfect, with each game only costing about $1.

Rise of the Tomb Raider will launch for Xbox One on November 10, 2015

Fable Legends Trailer (Xbox One/PC)

Sea of Thieves Trailer (Xbox One) (Rare)

Halo 5 Campaign Gameplay Demo (HD) (E3 2015)

Xbox is also working closely with Valve to make Windows 10 “the best platform for VR,” said Kudo Tsunoda when he took the stage after the Fable Legends video. he also touched up the previously announced deal with Oculus VR which upon release will include a wireless Xbox One controller.

A new version of Minecraft, built specifically for Hololens, was then shown. Hololens allows you to play the game almost everywhere.

ION Trailer (From DayZ Creator)

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"E3 2015 Recap: Xbox One backwards compatibility, Halo 5, Gears 4, Forza 6" :: Login/Create an Account :: 55 comments

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Big news today pretty much Forza 6 and Xbox One backwards compatibility


Backwards compatibility. Best news I've heard so far. That's all I'm hyped for really.


Halo 5 actually looks pretty decent to be fair


Forza 6 is my jaaaaam! Can not wait for 24 player carnage.


I feel like Microsoft is only hurting themselves when they don't release there Xbox One exclusive games for PC.

I mean with all the talk about how Xbox One and Windows 10 are gonna play nice together it only makes sense.

Why not double the profit?
It wouldn't effect the Consoles sales.
It would only do them good. I don't feel the need to buy a Xbox One just so I can play a few games that MIGHT run at a constant 60FPS


cant wait for halo 5 not going to go outside


Greenbax When will we be able to play 360 games on the Xbox one? When will it be available?

Holiday this year, and xbox preview users get to use it tomorrow i think

Right now actually 10101010101010101010101010101

I'm in the preview program so where do I go to get 360 games?


Microsoft won this year of E3 for sure


There is no way in this universe Microsoft is losing e3 this year. If they do i will be shocked.


Greenbax When will we be able to play 360 games on the Xbox one? When will it be available?

Holiday this year, and xbox preview users get to use it tomorrow i think