Fallout 4 mods already in the works

Fallout 3 mod creator Zealotlee has announced their intention to return to the scene.

Their first project is a Rail Rifle. Writing on the Bethesda forums, Zealotlee said the gun will be imported into Fallout 4 as soon as the RPG’s mod tools become available.

Given how central mods have been to Bethesda PC games in the past, it’s great to see content already popping up for Fallout 4, which releases for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 10.

Did you know? The Xbox One version of Fallout 4 will support mods after launch, and PS4 may get in on the action, too. Avalanche is hoping to do the same for Just Cause 3.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2015/07/06/fallout-4-mods-already-in-the-works/


"Fallout 4 mods already in the works" :: Login/Create an Account :: 34 comments

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Imagine the mods they will have for PC.


games get mods so early now remember ghost had xp lobby before release ahha


wow, already, awesome, cant wait for the modding community to come together on this game.


Oh baby, this game is gonna be soooo good


The possibilities will be endless. I cannot wait to see the funny ones.


This game is gonna be awesome can't wait


that rifle looks like a pretty power rifle. its nice to see that they are already making mods for the game.


The Rail Rifle looks pretty cool. I might buy this game for PC instead of xbox one.


justchilling Hopefully they'll be no restrictions on what sort of mods we can use.

There will be. You won't be getting any mods that use script extender, no texture mods most likely, and certainly not ENB. I don't know how a console can use low end hardware from 2011 and expect to run this game. It's already locked at FPS and you will have lots of pop-in and render distance setbacks.


justchilling Hopefully they'll be no restrictions on what sort of mods we can use.

On console there will have to be. If the don't a simple ENB mod would break the console.