No Man’s Sky Gets Yet Another Trailer

No Man’s Sky is probably the game with the most trailers and hype surrounding it in this decade at this point with one trailer being released after another and everyone trying to reveal something “new” about the game, yet we end up knowing things we have known since the game was revealed at 2013’s VGX award show.

Hopefully, the game isn’t a disaster once it’s launched like the show it was revealed in. Considering the amount of hype surrounding the game however, I’ll bet anything that plenty of people might end up being disappointed since it doesn’t match up to their expectations.

If you’re still hopeful about the game however, you can take a look at No Man’s Sky’s latest trailer below:

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"No Man’s Sky Gets Yet Another Trailer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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Recon If the new trailer is the one showing below, this trailer was one of the first trailers to be released... it was released a year ago so i'm not sure how this is "New".

The trailer on this page was posted on the 20th of July.

Like i said...

I stand corrected. Then these News are odd.


UnknownTalent I need this sh*t to be on the Xbox One! Make it happen XBOX.

it physically pains me reading your posts. I ant comprehend how anyone can comment on other peoples comments calling them "dweebs" when you are obviously an idiot with an IQ lower than your shoe size.


SuperHeroes This ps4 exclusive ??? 220200220

It's not an exclusive you dweeb. They did not sign any contract with Sony for it to be an exclusive they just haven't brought it the Xbox yet. Right now it's for the playstation and PC only.

How is he a dweeb you absolute moron? He was clearly asking if it's a ps4 exclusive.


This game on Pc is going to be beautiful not sure the min req's are yet but double titanX should do it :33333


SuperHeroes This ps4 exclusive ??? 220200220

It's not an exclusive you dweeb. They did not sign any contract with Sony for it to be an exclusive they just haven't brought it the Xbox yet. Right now it's for the playstation and PC only.


I need this sh*t to be on the Xbox One! Make it happen XBOX.


This game looks pretty cool, I might have to try this out once they release it.


Well hopefully the hype is strong and the game doesnt disappoint.


Very unique concept of a game, I wont be purchasing this game but I look forward to watching gameplay of it.


This ps4 exclusive ??? 220200220