Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta dates announced

Treyarch announced the details on the Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta start dates for each platform. As previously stated before, the beta will be taken place in August on all 3 platforms with PlayStation 4 owners getting first access to it.

PlayStation 4:

Beta Starts: August 19th
Beta Ends: August 23rd

Xbox One and PC:

Beta starts: August 26th
Beta ends: August 30th

In the weeks ahead, Treyarch will release new details on which maps, modes, and more will be included in the beta.

The multiplayer beta is only available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. The beta will not be available on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.

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"Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 beta dates announced" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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Five days seems a bit short for a beta.


Ps4 gets it first so what I dont see the problem when it comes out watch them on twitch learn the map and spawns so when you get it you already know and don't have to learn as you go they are fodder for us


Mickers Lets get ready to rumble.

Not even excited about this to be honest.

Only thing I'm waiting for is zombies.


Rake Is the beta open or closed, would love to play it as im looking forward to the game

Open..If you pre-order and get the Code. Closed otherwise.

so closed in other words -_-


Rake Is the beta open or closed, would love to play it as im looking forward to the game

Open..If you pre-order and get the Code. Closed otherwise.


Sucks that ps4 now have these privileges..


Pretty awesome that PS4 gets to be the "testers" first of the new game.


Wow... I pre ordered and guess who's on holiday when the beta starts and ends? -,-


Lets get ready to rumble.

Not even excited about this to be honest.


They should be all released on the same day