Windows 10 is now running on more than 50 million devices

It has been nearly two weeks since the release of Windows 10, and it looks like the install count for the OS has nearly doubled since we last checked, now running on more than 50 million devices globally.

According to sources from WinBeta, there are now over 50 million users globally that are running Windows 10. While this may seem like a lofty number, it pales in comparison when compared to Microsoft's goal of a billion units running Windows 10 over the next two to three years. Although a billion units is admirable, it is certainly not an ambitious number for Microsoft.

Windows 10 is currently available as a free upgrade for those running Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. In order to receive the update you must reserve your copy, as the promotion will only be available for the first year.

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"Windows 10 is now running on more than 50 million devices" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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That's kinda alot actually.


Fifty million in two weeks thats mad


I am one of those 50 million devices.


I thought it would be more considering its Windows.


iTwerk windows 10 on 50 million devices?... u gotta be kidding me wtf

Lol that's what I thought :) I just realized I'm on of those 50 million


Oh man.. That is a lot of devices lmao


_Skittle I still haven't got my update, would like it ASAP!

you can manually update it whenever you want, there's a installer u can download from ms and it will update right now


windows 10 on 50 million devices?... u gotta be kidding me wtf


50 million!? Thats a pretty good amount! Good for Microsoft!


wow! 50 million omg welldone micorosoft