ARK: Survival Evolved frame-rate on Xbox One drops to 14fps in spots

ARK: Survival Evolved is currently in early access on the Xbox One. According to reports by Digital Foundry, the technical side of the game is not looking good.

Digital Foundry did a frame-rate test that shows the game rarely achieving the 30 frames-per-second target. The test shows the frames dropping as low as 14fps.

Take a look at the video below.



"ARK: Survival Evolved frame-rate on Xbox One drops to 14fps in spots" :: Login/Create an Account :: 43 comments

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I was talking to a friend that bought the game and he told me that its unplayable. The lag, the dropping of frames, how hard it is to get into servers. He said that he wasted his money.


I'm sorry, but this game has had bad performances since it's release last year. There has been countless testing done on both platforms and found out it is HORRENDOUSLY coded. They need to stop doing tournaments and actually do some work with the game. Best refund I've ever done.


wow. i wonder what the issue is.. seeing as fallout is an open world and doesn't a have that big of issues with frame rate