“Young Conker” and “Fragments” Game Listings Datamined From Microsoft

Microsoft Store may be hinting to some upcoming announcements. Earlier today, diligent NeoGAF users SPDIF and Boo Boo’n managed to find hidden listings on Microsoft’s digital storefront, Microsoft Store. What they found were two listings: “Fragments” and “Young Conker.”

Why are these listings possibly significant? Both were found under the Games section of the store, as compared to other datamined programs (i.e. HoloStudio which is under Apps).

Microsoft filed for the trademark “Fragments” nearly a month ago under Class 9 and Class 41. The listing (as seen below) is rated Mature, though all of this seems like a placeholder, so I wouldn’t put too much weight behind the ESRB rating.

Meanwhile, nothing has been mentioned to date about “Young Conker,” though many are speculating it could be the revitalization of the Conker series. The last real Conker game launched in 2005 (Conker: Live & Reloaded), however Project Spark featured a DLC pack titled Conker’s Big Reunion last year. Notably, the listing has a Teen ESRB rating, yet most Conker games are infamously mature. Though, as mentioned above, everything seems like a placeholder so no need to put too much stock in it. Or perhaps this is a different “Conker” entirely.

The listings have been subsequently removed once discovered. Because all we have are bare-bones listings, take all this news with the largest grain of salt. Nor does it mention –if true– whether this is a PC, mobile, Xbox, or HoloLens game. In addition to these listings, Microsoft has recently trademarked “Roboraid” and re-trademarked “Phantom Dust.” What do you think of these Microsoft Store listings? Is Microsoft coming to E3 with a loaded schedule?


Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Source: http://www.dualshockers.com/2016/02/02/young-conker-and-fragments-game-listings-datamined-from-microsoft-store/


"“Young Conker” and “Fragments” Game Listings Datamined From Microsoft" :: Login/Create an Account :: 18 comments

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Probably a load of crap, but hopefully not we will have to wait and see.


Looking forward to what this brings.


Intriguing can't wait to hear more about this


probably just some lame arcade games. hopefully not though :P.


Interesting, I'm sure we will hear more soon


Hm interesting. Looking forward to seeing what these turn out to be :)


JTHM Hmmmmm interesting, not gonna lie

Yeah it is very interesting plus there isn't rally much to say about this if im being honest.


Hmmmmm interesting, not gonna lie