Windows 10 close to overtaking Windows 7 among Steam users

Windows 10 has seen steady adoption among Steam users ever since its release, and the OS is getting closer to toppling Windows 7 from the top with each passing month. The Steam survey results for the month of December revealed that the OS had managed to grab 32.5 percent share among its users, and now that stands at over 34 percent, while Windows 7 is still the leader with more than 42 percent penetration.

According to the results of the January 2016 Steam survey, Windows 10 64-bit increased its market share by 1.52 percent while the 32-bit version grew by 0.07 percent. The most-used OS among Steam users is still the 64-bit version of Windows 7, which holds 34.31 percent share. However, it could lose its crown within a month or two if the current rate of decline continues. The 32-bit version of Windows 7 is still being used by 7.7 percent of the users but that number hasn't changed in a couple of months.

It has been observed that Windows 8.1 users are switching to Windows 10 at a more rapid rate, which might be in part due to more compatible hardware in comparison with Windows 7 systems. One interesting revelation from the last two survey results is the increase in Windows XP users but the overall share of the OS is quite low.

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"Windows 10 close to overtaking Windows 7 among Steam users" :: Login/Create an Account :: 31 comments

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Nice, it's free right now so don't know why people aren't upgrading. They're almost the same thing it's just that Windows 10 has newer features and is a little better overall.


I put windows 10 on my gaming pc that I built just before I had sold it and I absolutely loved it! It's mostly the same but has a nice and sleek modern look, and is more responsive and is easier to use. No reason to not make the switch as far as I am concerned.


I switched to Win10 from Win7, not too much different actually.


Yeah windows 8 was a pretty big fail and windows being how it is light weight and being adapted to play xbox games it will blow up once they fully release everything.


It was gonna happen sooner or later.


welp r.i.p.all of you users


I just can't bring myself to switch over to 10, I just like 7's simplicity more.


I am loving Windows 10. But this is coming from a guy that liked Windows 8 more than 7.


Good, Windows 10 has much better optimization.


I wish I never upgraded to windows 10 now it sucks.