The Division Game Files Reveal Yet To Be Revealed Features

Tom Clancy’s The Division, the new third person shooter developed by Ubisoft Massive, is very close to release, but there’s still quite a bit we don’t know about the game. We probably won’t even know about these unrevealed features until the game is out, as Ubisoft most likely wants to surprise players in some way. Some of these yet to be announced features, however, might have been revealed today.

Reddit user ChristianRiensen has taken a look at the game’s files and has discovered mention of something interesting. According to him, there are mentions of different kinds of actions, such as one involving network nodes all over a park, with players having to find them. The same area is also involved in another action where players have to control zones and supply caches. There’s also mention of the team winning or the enemy having the upper hand.

So going a bit deeper into the game files, I found among the translations something curious.

There is mention of different kinds of actions. One speaks of network nodes all over a park and that you have to get them. The way it’s phrased though is like there is an enemy team. Going deeper there is also mention in the same area of something concerning controlling zones and supply caches. The text goes to say things like your team is winning, and only 30 seconds left. It also mentions “the enemy has the upper hand”, which points towards an adversarial mode.

As ChristianRiensen himself stated, this is part of the translations of the subtitles, meaning that this isn’t necessarily content that will be in the game at launch. It could be scrapped content, or something that might be introduced to the game at a later time.

A few days ago, more The Division gameplay videos taken from this month’s open beta have surfaced online. One of the videos also showcases a tense 16 minute long Manhunt, so they’re a very good watch for those who haven’t been able to participate in the open beta and want to see more of the game in action.

The Division will launch on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 8th.

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"The Division Game Files Reveal Yet To Be Revealed Features" :: Login/Create an Account :: 17 comments

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I can't wait for this game to come out, bring the game to my hands please.


Title suggestion: "The Division Game Files Reveal Undisclosed Features"? I really don't like the current wording, lol. It threw me off at first.

This is great news! I was hoping for more than just manhunt in the game. I feel like it would get kind of dry if its just killing each other in a rather crowded PvP zone.


I loved the beta for this game! Can't wait to buy the full game


I honestly can't wait to get this game.


Cant wait for the Division, the beta was very cool.


im looking forward to it i enjoyed the beta


Really getting excited for the release now, let's just hope it's not over hyped.