Street Fighter 5 rage quitters to face “severe” punishment

According to the latest status update on Capcom Unity, the developers are aware players are disconnecting before a match ends in order to “retain their League Points” and win streaks.

The team doesn’t have an exact date in which a system will be implemented, but for the time being, Capcom will be taking “direct action” starting next week.

Those abusing the system will be punished and said punishment will be “severe for the worst offenders.”

“We will need the community’s help with this, and will follow up with more details next week, but over the weekend, please record every instance of rage quitting you encounter,” reads the post.

“The best way to do this is to use the SHARE function on the PlayStation 4 after the match has concluded, though any video evidence will suffice [such as] Twitch archives, local recordings etc.”

As far as Matchmaking issues are concerned, it should be “working as intended” for most users in both Causal and Ranked modes – like the last update applied.

However, Capcom is aware this is not the case for some players in Europe, the Middle East and various other regions. Improvements were made over the week which decreased the wait time for many in those territories, but the team will continue to monitor any issues which occur until additional improvements are made.

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Pint Im ashamed that I have never played a street fighter

no i havent played it either


Good, hate people that rage quit.


Im ashamed that I have never played a street fighter