Xbox One Preview members can play Halo Wars today

Major Nelson tweeted out the announcement earlier today.

If you’re an Xbox One Preview member, you’ll be able to give Halo Wars a whirl later today thanks to the backwards compatibility feature. You can find it under the ‘ready to install’ menu.

A few more backwards compatible tiles were released for Xbox One yesterday, including Alan Wake, and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

Other upcoming games for this feature include BioShock, BioShock 2, and BioShock Infinite – although if rumours are to be believed, we can expect to see the BioShock Collection for Xbox One, PS4, and PC soon.

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"Xbox One Preview members can play Halo Wars today" :: Login/Create an Account :: 37 comments

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Well im guessing this is good but i have never played Halo Wars, Plus im not a preview member so i cant play this.


gtapro151 annnnnnd still no black ops 1 lol what a joke no communication from them either about it

There's the 1 person that has to cry about no CoD on a BC post. Called it!

They did announce a December 2015 release. I've been upset about it and i'm not much of a cod fan lol.

I am a preview member but Halo Wars does not show up in my "Ready to install." Luckily I have the disc


gtapro151 annnnnnd still no black ops 1 lol what a joke no communication from them either about it

There's the 1 person that has to cry about no CoD on a BC post. Called it!


Been waiting for this game to go backwards compatible forever, great news. Halo Wars 2 hype and Halo wars 1 BC to hold me over, nice. If anyone wants to play PM me


sG_Reality I need an invite to preview :9

i dont own this game but good for fans i guess and if you get invite its hard to get in now they made tweet few months ago saying there limiting spots as theres too many in


I need an invite to preview :9


annnnnnd still no black ops 1 lol what a joke no communication from them either about it


Wow, wish I had preview. I need this game in my life.


That's what's up. Can't wait to give it a try on xbox one.


Aw damn. I wish I could get this on PC. I loved Halo Wars back in the day. Look forward to hearing more news about Halo Wars 2 being released.