
A new iPhone application entering the crowed marketplace allows all Xbox Live addicts the ability to connect to their account and do pretty much everything you can think of. Bad news, it isn't free. The $1.99 app lets you sign into your account, browse and respond to friend requests, check messages and even creep your friend's Gamercard on the go. But, before you slap your $2 on the table, more
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According to Microsoft, nearly two million Xbox Live users logged into Facebook through the console's new built-in social media applications. Based on a vague estimate provided by Microsoft, it appears that around ten percent of all Xbox Live Gold accounts used the application within its first week of availability; however, it's possible many of those users only logged in to see the new feature more
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And you thought Halo 3-themed Game Fuel was bad. A recent round of advertisements have taken Japan by storm, all of which either shill for Final Fantasy XIII, or some product based on the unflagging RPG franchise. Posted after the break are a series of videos, including a short TV spot for the game, two ads for the presumably refreshing Elixir beverage, and a commercial for a commercial (well, a more
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He might know if you've been bad or good, but that won't stop St. Nick from sending you on a horse-related fetch quest in new DLC for Dragon Quest IX in Japan. Released on November 27, the Mr. Claus' Horse downloadable content brings the mythical gift giver to the insanely popular Nintendo DS title. Sadly, we can only hope Square Enix plans to include this and previous Dragon Quest IX DLC when more
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Looking for a new hero? Meet AskACapper many of you already know him from our forums here on the tech game, AskACapper is handicapped this making it hard for him to play console games. But that does not stop him! Oh no! Chuck has found with time and much patience he could learn to play using his face and mouth to get around the problem of being more
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Q-Games and Nintendo had a recent partnership in the release of Digidrive, but it doesn't seem like they're letting their relationship cool off any time soon. According to a new OFLC rating, Q-Games is developing -- and Nintendo is publishing -- a game called Reflect Missile. No platform was announced, but the safe money's on either a DSiWare or WiiWare release. Now, let's get to determining more
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Are you one of these folks who don't even realize there's a "multiplayer button" in your first-person shooters? After spending hours with the single-player campaign, you shelve the game and press onward, eschewing time with multiplayer for other, more solitary experiences? Splash Damage head Paul Wedgwood wants to change your attitude, telling Eurogamer in an interview that his studio's upcoming more
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Activision announced this morning that, according to data garnered from the NPD, ChartTrack, GfK and internal estimates, the Call of Duty franchise has accumulated $3 billion-with-a-b in sales over its lifetime. As all but the densest among you have likely deduced, CoD was put over the top by the release of Modern Warfare 2, which moved $550 million in its first five days on sale. For a bit of more
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Capcom has updated its official Japanese Resident Evil 5 site, revealing the new enemy featured in the upcoming Gold Edition retail and (assorted) DLC release of the game. The new nemesis is an unnamed and extremely grotesque behemoth who carries a large key-like anchor, stalking the underground of Spencer's Mansion in the content's Lost in Nightmares episode. According to an English translation more
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We all have guilty pleasures, this much we all know. But some guilty pleasures are too guilty. Case in point: Michael Bay's Transformers movies. We bring this up because some new Avatar items based on his work -- and consequent games -- are now available for purchase on Xbox Live, including the Optimus Prime and Megatron helmets you see above, as well as several branded t-shirts. Now, if you want more
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