
It's no secret that times are tough in tech, but the industry's top dog has been consistently optimistic about its own situation. Microsoft has publicly stated that it will continue to grow and add thousands of new jobs, denying any plans more sinister than a prudent review of hiring plans. But indications from inside the wire are that things are more grim than have been publicly more
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Microsoft Security Advisory warned today that a possible attack against the MD5 hash digital certificate could allow an attacker to generate their own certificate with information from the original. Microsoft warned that only the X.509 certificates could be attacked, and suggests users to upgrade to the newer SHA-1 algorithm. Although the information was not published publically to allow more
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This mite be a bit old but it shows how far some people mite just go to get elected president lol. In recent years advertisements have become more and more common within video games. Sandbox games would have Burger Kings, billboards with name brand companies, and using name brand cell phones. That's how it started. It then proceeded to become even worse, especially within the Xbox 360's NGE more
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Now be for you read this most news not if all will be copyed and pasted from gameing news websites. The day before Home launched I got a (clearly unrelated) briefing from Xbox product manager Aaron Greenberg and I brought up this topic. I asked: When/how/how-often will we see cheap clothing options for our Xbox 360 Avatars available for paid download? “I don’t think more
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I am now taking over the news ill shall update you with everything about the gaming world when i can. -- Beales
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What are you currently paying for your text messaging? Is it 20 or 25 cents or are you one of the millions of users who buy a text messaging package with your phone plan for $5 or more every month? Regardless what you pay, you're over paying. Not that this comes as a surprise to many but the New York Times has divulged in great detail how bad your actually being ripped off. Wireless more
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Guess what! Bungie has finally decided that they would release there rare armor RECON. The only catch is that there is one way to get it and here it is. The only way to get it is you must complete 4 VIDMASTER Challenges and these vidmaster challenges are Achievements. 3 of the 4 Vidmaster Challenges are on Halo 3. Then the final challenge is on there new upcoming game HALO 3: RECON, which comes more
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According to telecom provider Interoute, three of the four underseas sub-cables connecting Asia to North America have been severed for unknown reasons. These cables carry more than 75% of the internet traffic between the America, Europe, and the Middle East. The cut occurred today somewhere in the Mediterranean, between Sicily and Tunisia, though, at present, the reasons for the cut are unknown; more
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Australia has been known to have high levels of censorship. It should come as no surprise to those in the land down under that the government is planning to filter P2P and Bit Torrent traffic in live pilot tests. Senator Conroy went on the record saying "technology that filters peer-to-peer and Bit Torrent traffic does exist and it is anticipated that the effectiveness...... of this will be more
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Google's YouTube has rolled out a high-definition option for video and created new landing pages to make it easier to find popular video categories. The changes are part of a series of improvements Google is making to YouTube as it tries to stay ahead of emerging rivals such as Hulu and deal with the problem of users uploading copyright video. The HD option increases the size of videos more
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