PlayStation News

Call of Duty: Black Ops has undoubtedly been a huge success. The game has sold 3.3 million copies in the UK, and with those numbers that puts Treyarch's latest at the top of the list for all entertainment properties in 2010. The full list shows video games taking two out of three of the top spots for all entertainment avenues with Black Ops taking the top spot, and FIFA '11 came in more
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This morning Sony showed up at Graf_Chokolo's house and took his equipment yet again. The mega electronics giant is trying to make him stop his OtherOS project, which he had been posting all the source code to on this website. He is asking users to make clones of his git code repositories to ensure his tools remain safe.To quote his words: SONY was at my home today again, with a new TRO against more
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Coming soon to all versions of Crysis 2 is the Retaliation Map pack, it includes four new maps that support all current games modes to date. It is confirmed that for the Xbox Live the DLC will cost you 800 MSP so similar pricing is expected on the other platforms. Keep checking back on the site for updates on this map pack in the coming weeks! Remember "Adapt. Upgrade. Dominate. Be the more
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The Anonymous hacktivist group have warned Sony that they should prepare for their biggest attack to date. In a chilling video aimed towards Sony, the group Anonymous warn that this is just the start despite the 'settlement' with Geohot. View the video in read more.
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The good news is that SCEA and Geohot have reached an out of court settlement regarding his PS3 hacking activities. Today the pair have released a joint settlement in which Geohot noted that it was never his intention to make piracy easier or cause users trouble. Similarly, Sony noted that it was always its intention to protect their intellectual property and ultimately their consumers. more
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Sony's Jack Tretton seems to be on a mission to talk trash on the competition. The Wii system has become a target of his, in which he claims Nintendo has run out of steam with the Wii. He questioned if anyone would buy a gaming system without a hard drive in it and mocked the 'six inches' motion sensing capability of the Wii.
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SCEA CEO Jack Tretton has taken some serious pot shots at both Nintendo and Microsoft in a new interview with Fortune today, launching an unprecedented attack on Wii, 360 and Nintendo’s portable consoles.Tretton tried to again make the case that the Playstation 3 is “just hitting its stride” with regards to the console’s hardware, which includes both a hard drive and a Blu-Ray more
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Many wondered what would come next? Looks like Sony is taking it easy and letting their providers fend off the attack. Who have went on to block many of the attackers ip addresses and sony has contracted a outside company to keep its domains up. But the plan seems to be encase of future attacks is to just wait it out until they get bored. This still does not answer the questions if Sony is more
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Here's the thing: everything we've seen of Battlefield 3 has been running on PC, and maybe five percent of PC players are going to get that kind of graphical fidelity. For a lot of folks, the console version is going to be their only choice -- so what should they expect? According to DICE executive producer Patrick Bach, the console version obviously won't have all the graphical bells and more
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EA's DICE studio has some strong confidence oozing out of it. Speaking recently, the producer of Battlefield claimed that his studio has already produced a better game than CoD Black Ops. And that game is Battlefield number TWO. Unfortunately, the producer didn't want to go into details on how Battlefield 3 plans to topple the competition.
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