PlayStation News

Sony has teamed up with Edge and Schick to provide a novel way to attract DLC fans. They will be producing on-pack codes for various PS3 DLC including: Killzone 3 retro map pack, 'edge special' Camaro SS for GT 5 and a special 'sniper blast' for InFamous 2. Interesting promotion. The special edition packs are now shipping to various retailers.
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Konami are suspending their servers for Metal Gear Online following requests to conserve electricity from Japanese power companies. Requests were made after the tragic earthquake that occured in the country last week, leaving it with potential energy shortages. MGO has been suspended for a short time to help with this issue. We don’t know if this will affect the game across the planet, nor more
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Amazing how influential game review can be to a company. Fresh on the back of a 75% Metacritic rating for HomeFront, shares in THQ took a 9% fall on NASDAQ. An analyst commented that this is a disaster for THQ and typically you need a Metacritic score of 80% to do well in the business.
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Sony's Ray Maguire has revealed that online will be a very big part of the PS4. However, he wasn't sure in exactly what direction the PS4 would be heading in. He noted that where Sony goes after the PS3 will be 'interesting' but noted it's far too early to comment on these sorts of things as there are many more years left in the PS3.
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Those in the games industry are doing everything they can to help Japan recover from the devastating earthquake. Sony and Nintendo have teamed up to provide a donation of over $7 million. While Namco has also provided over $1.2m to the cause. Namco also revealed they will be holding back on events and cutting power from arcades where conservation is needed. Moreover, Sony has handed out 30,000 more
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Square Enyx and Konami have both announced the immediate closure of the servers for final fantasy XI, final fantasy XIV and metal gear online for at least one week, this is in order to save power so it can be used by more important things. Square Enix has revealed that the servers for the MMOs have been shut down to conserve power following last week's earthquake in Japan. "Due to the more
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Last week Call of Duty Black Ops was crowned the best selling video game of all time. The numbers are quite staggering actually. The game has sold 13.7 million copies in the United States across all platforms. According to IGN and a cross reference of the United States Census numbers, that would put Call of Duty Black Ops in 1 out of 8 American homes. No details were given by the more
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According to the numbers from NPD, Xbox 360 Kinect is outselling Sony's Playstation Move by the devastating ratio of 5:1. Michael Pacther noted that under one fifth of the PS3's most recent sales included bundles with Move. Seems like Move isn't doing too well, but this could all change very soon with the right IP!
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Sony is attempting to recruit hackers to its r&d team, a recently leaked email sent to a hacker known as Koushik has revealed that a lady called Sarah McRea from sonys "talent acquisition department" attempted to recruit the hacker as a result of posts he made on his blog with regard to security.
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Major companies hailing from Japan have revealed that they are to halt production at a number of factories. Amongst these companies include Toyota and Nissan as well as Sony. Sony appears to be the worst 'hit' as it has decided to halt production at SIX factories. They noted that they are "still awaiting an update on what kind of devastation has taken place”
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