Nintendo News

There was a time, back in the late '90s, when geeks and doe-eyed adolescents would accept anything from Japan with open arms. It was a time when DragonBall Z, Final Fantasy and Hello Kitty were in their prime, and a time when Japan-crazy teens would pay top-dollar for Pocky, just so that they could experience a sliver of the culture. Times have changed, and "Big in Japan" is not the game-selling more
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Hideki Kamiya is both thrilled about the Star Fox series and confused about how gunpoint demands work. In response to a statement from Shigeru Miyamoto indicating interest in a Wii Star Fox game, Kamiya expressed his own interest in a rather extreme manner. "I want Nintendo's staff to come to Platinum, stick guns at us and tell us 'You guys make a new Star Fox,'" he said on Twitter. Why would more
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We've showcased quite a few portable N64 creations on this here corner of the internet, but the "64 Boy" (pictured above) may very well be the most compact mod we've seen yet -- the world's smallest, according to its maker. The handheld also features support for connecting up to 4 controllers, in case you're jonesing for some GoldenEye multiplayer on the road and don't mind squinting.
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Nintendo's partnership with McDonald's in Japan has been extended to help train the restaurant chain's employees in the finer details of fast food assembly. Bloomberg visited McDonald's training center in Japan to get some hands-on time with the training simulation (video embedded after the break), discovering that the golden arches-branded DSis will be distributed to McDonald's all over the more
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Was it something we said? No sooner does Nintendo close the book on the two-year-old Anascape suit than does the prolific peripheral manufacturer get slapped with another legal challenge. Gamasutra has obtained documentation of a lawsuit filed against Nintendo, on April 2, by exergaming company InterAction Laboratories, a.k.a. IA Labs, a.k.a. Powergrid Fitness, for alleged patent more
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Third-party controller company PDP has unveiled a new line of controllers for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii designed to attract attention, and/or help land airplanes. The Afterglow line is a set of transparent controllers with LED lights inside, so they glow in a way sure to dazzle and irritate your roommates. That's not the only feature, though it's the one that stands out the most on account of they more
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Our biggest complaint about the DS Lite has been its woefully small number of LED lights. Thank goodness for modders then, because Tailor Made Toys has crafted the flashy DS Lite you see above. The kicker? It also has force feedback, which comes in two flavors: one is just normal rumble, while the other is a sort of "sensitive mode," best for quieter games and when using headphones. And if you more
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Speaking with Multiplayer, NBA Jam creative director Trey Smith shared the inspiration behind the digitized faces of the upcoming Wii remake. According to Smith, tne of the key features of the original NBA Jam was the ability to tell who each individual player was from a distance. "You could tell who each [player] was," said Smith, "and that was something really key to us." He added that the team more
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Despite what you may assume, we're not the sort of people who'd buy ourselves a steampunk Game Boy like the Thretris-created model you see above (see it in action after the break). We are, however, the sort of people who'd use our popular internet website to politely request that our readers buy said Game Boy from eBay and send it to us for a holiday of their choice. It probably seems a little more
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Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian has said in a new report that the Nintendo 3DS system will not only increase unit sales for the DS platform (obviously), it will satisfy demands of consumers now excited about 3D technology, and help differentiate Nintendo's offerings from iPhone software. He notes that cheap iPhone games are cutting into the DS business. "However," he suggests, more
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