Xbox News

Microsoft has released the figures for its console to date, topping the sales charts at 28 million units worldwide, in just over 3 years. Microsoft's Xbox360 is the best selling high definition console to date. Microsoft also had another release of good news, with its console selling 8 million units in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, doubling last year's total number of sales, for more
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I got to play the demo of Ninja Blade today yes i know its not up on the market place but i know a way to get demos befor we get them. If you like Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden you will love this game its a bit epic and has quite a few quick time events but the combo systems is great, weapons are good game also looks quite good aswell. I think you should all give it a go. I also have the more
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So it's the end of another brilliant gaming years we have seen some truley memorable games but whats instore for 09....heres a list of my picks for the best games of next year... Skate. 2: 23/01/09 Battlestations: Pacific: 30/01/09 Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon: 06/02/09 Shellshock 2: Bloodtrails: 06/02/09 RacePro: 13/02/09 The Godfather II: 13/02/09 F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin: more
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Now be for you read this most news not if all will be copyed and pasted from gameing news websites. The day before Home launched I got a (clearly unrelated) briefing from Xbox product manager Aaron Greenberg and I brought up this topic. I asked: When/how/how-often will we see cheap clothing options for our Xbox 360 Avatars available for paid download? “I don’t think more
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Guess what! Bungie has finally decided that they would release there rare armor RECON. The only catch is that there is one way to get it and here it is. The only way to get it is you must complete 4 VIDMASTER Challenges and these vidmaster challenges are Achievements. 3 of the 4 Vidmaster Challenges are on Halo 3. Then the final challenge is on there new upcoming game HALO 3: RECON, which comes more
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A look at a few post-NXE Xbox LIVE stats With the NXE launch behind us and the Holiday right around the corner a few data points just landed in my inbox that I though you might find interesting: If LIVE were a U.S. city, it would be the largest city with over 14-million members. The equivalent of New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago combined. Since the New Xbox Experience launched on more
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Flying in the face of those that thought Microsoft would be charging for any and all upgrades to the NXE clothing range comes the news that the range has just been updated. For the low price of "absolutely nothing", you can now kit out your Avatar in stylish new winter gear, including a snowboarding jacket. Admittedly, the update is a very small one, but the fact that Microsoft haven't dragged more
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Xbox Live Marketplace was just recently made available on the Xbox Live website. Instead of having to browse, purchase, and queue the content on the Xbox 360 directly, you can find content and queue downloads to your 360 with a few clicks (and spend your points even quicker!) A probable unforeseen bonus for many (which will be fixed soon more than likely) is most people can now receive some more
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Microsoft certainly is one company not feeling the economic downturn at the moment. During the biggest shopping weekend of the year, they pulled out a huge victory in the shops, and over Sony's rival PlayStation 3 system. In a recent press release, figures show that the Xbox 360 outsold PlayStation 3 consoles three-to-one, and estimates a 25% increase on sales of the console from last years more
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Xbox Live Marketplace was just recently made available on the Xbox Live website. Instead of having to browse, purchase, and queue the content on the Xbox 360 directly, you can find content and queue downloads to your 360 with a few clicks (and spend your points even quicker!) A probable unforeseen bonus for many (which will be fixed soon more than likely) is most people can now receive some more
( comments|Score: 4.4|Posted: )

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