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Calibrate The Microphone On Your Kinect Sensor

Tutorial Name: Calibrate The Microphone On Your Kinect Sensor  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: Gubbins

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Comments: 2

Views: 3,414

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


The microphone on your Kinect sensor needs to be calibrated so that it can hear you above the ambient background noise in your play space. The sensor does most of the work, making this an easy process.

How to calibrate the microphone

1. Turn up the volume on your TVs speakers, so that its above the level you normally use to watch movies and shows. At the same time, make sure that your room is quiet.
2. Start the calibration process. Here's how:
a. Go to the Xbox Home screen
b. Press the Menu button on the controller.

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c. Select Settings.

Note You can say "Xbox, go to settings" from any screen, but you'll need a wireless controller to navigate when you're on the Settings screen.

d. On the Settings screen, select Kinect.
e. Under Troubleshooting, select Kinect doesnt hear me.

3. The calibration performs two tests:

  • Check background noise. Kinect monitors the ambient noise level in your play space. If the level is too high, the sensor displays a message asking you to check for noises in the room, and then to restart the calibration after youve muted the background noise.
  • Check speaker volume. Xbox One plays a series of tones for the Kinect to hear in order to calibrate the audio playback level. If the audio tones are too low, a message asks you to turn up the volume of the speakers. If the sound levels are loud enough, youll see a message telling you the audio check was successful.

4. If the tests are successful, the Kinects microphone self-calibrates. This is entirely automatic, so you dont have to do anything during this step. It should take only a few seconds for the self-calibration to complete.

When the calibration is complete, the Kinect sensor will be ready to hear you.

Note After three failed attempts to perform audio calibration, you can either press the B button to retry the calibration, or you can come back to try this at a later date. When youre ready to try again, repeat the procedure above, starting at step 2.


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"Calibrate The Microphone On Your Kinect Sensor" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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I have been having issues with my Kinect mic lately. I will say "Xbox on" and sometimes it won't respond. I am going to try and re-calibrate it and hopefully that will fix it.


This is something that I need. thanks for this.