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Goat Simulator - Try Hard Achievement

Tutorial Name: Goat Simulator - Try Hard Achievement  

Category: Game Walkthroughs & Guides

Submitted By: Travitor

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Views: 2,868

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Collectibles are small golden goat trophies that are hidden about the map. Collecting all 30 will give you godlike powers and unlock the achievement Try Hard.
    On the very top of the crane. To get up, equip the jetpack and go to the edge where the NPC is sitting. Turn around and jump up, then tap R to thrust just enough to clear the top of the crane. Walk across the top and right up the cable.
    On the power lines near the road. There is a shed on the side of the road with fans on top that will take you to it. Hit the fan and land on the lowest power line.
    On top of the shed used to get to the power lines.
    Behind the shed across from the school. Follow the building around the side facing the road.
    Under the bell on top of the school. You will need to go ragdoll to slide under the bell.
    On the edge of the size changing pit.
    Behind the Boulder of Doom.
    Up against the fence behind the Goat Fightclub.
    Buried in the bushes underneath the water slide.
    On top of the scaffolding over the control room in the Low Gravity building. Jump into the fan room and use a burst from the jet pack to land on top of the office. The collectible is in the far corner, on the highest beam.
    On top of the Low Gravity building, under one of the spinning arms.
    Using the fan in the Low Gravity room, go up into the vent that shoots out from the roof.
    To the right of the harvester, next to a small sedan.
    Under the power tower next to the Goatagram.
    On the scaffolding platform on the roof of the construction site building.
    Behind the goat in the top of the tower near the spawn.
    Under the tree in the middle of the fields.
    To the right of the outhouse.
    Inside Coffee Stain Studios
    On the Coffee Stain Studios chimney.
    On top of the diving boards.
    In the blue shipping container hanging from the crane. To get on top of the container, use the fans on the lower roof of the construction site building, where the NPC is sitting on the edge. You may have to bounce multiple times to get enough height. When you drop into the container, immediately headbutt the G2 robot guarding the collectible to avoid getting shoved out.
    In a blue shipping container on the ground level of the construction site, near the road.
    Behind the Protesters' stage.
    In the gas station.
    In the bedroom of the house next to the spawn point, tucked in a corner in the room to the right from the stairs.
    In the greenhouse next to the Time Trial starting point, not near the spawn point.
    On a limb on one of the two trees between the party and the empty pool.
    On a box on the left side just as you walk in to the throne room of the Goat Castle.
    On the very top of the Powerline Pole closest to the Goat Castle.


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Thanks for this. Going to get right on it.