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how to clear content cache on xbox one

Tutorial Name: how to clear content cache on xbox one  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: AP5

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Comments: 1

Views: 26,400

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


When experencing problems with your xbox one you can normally solve them by simply clearing your content cache. when you clear your content chache it will delete the temporary files that are files that are stored on the system such as system updates, files and game updates dont worry you will still be able to play online and suchn you will just be promted to redonwload the most recent update.

Steps to clear your content chache

Step 1: Power down your console then unplug the power cable from the back of the Xbox One

Step 2: Wait two minutes, then plug the power cable back into the back of the Xbox One, and monitor the power brick, waiting for it to cycle from a white light to an orange light, and then turn the power on. This will perform a cold restart of the system.

Step 3: These simple steps have solved a problem where, when starting a game on the Xbox One, the system would show just the initial picture page of the game, and then return to the Home screen without starting the game. This particular problem did not affect Apps on the Xbox One, but only games downloaded or disc-based


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Thanks for this! I actually ran out of room and needed to do this! Thanks a lot.