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How To Fix A Bricked PS4

Tutorial Name: How To Fix A Bricked PS4  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: AP5

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 35,242

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


A report has emerged of someone's PS4 essentially being bricked. The PS4 wouldn't turn on at all, if this were to happen to you we can tell you how to fix it:

If you find that you're PS4 has bricked follow these steps to fix it. If one step doesn't work systematically move onto the next until you resolve the issue:

Step 1 - Check You HDMI connection. There have already been reports of PS4 having faulty HDMI ports resulting in no signal being transmitted and therefore looking as if the console is bricked.

Step 2 - Remove the HDD and boot the PS4 in safe mode. You boot up the PS4 in safe mode by holding the power button for at least seven seconds until you hear a beep.

You will know you are in safe mode because of the white lightbar on the controller.

You will be prompted for a HDD. Turn off the PS4 , insert your HDD and boot again. The PS4 will still be in safe mode at this point until it recovers the operating system.

Step 3 - Format your HDD and reinstall firmware.

Step 4 - If all of the above fails you need to call Sony!


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Cool tutorial, should help lots of people out!