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Payday 2 - Painting Yourself Into a Corner

Tutorial Name: Payday 2 - Painting Yourself Into a Corner  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Kixa

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Views: 1,314

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On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.

This is one of the few stealth-based trophies in the game. Anywhere between 6-9 paintings will spawn when you start. You can do this in solo or co-op, it is really up to you. If you decide to do it in co-op, turn off AI so that they don't revive you. The main benefit of doing it in co-op is buying the Camera Feed asset, which will allow a second player to spot guards for you. Make sure to wear Two-Piece Suit to avoid being discovered, as well as bring a silenced weapon.

There are 5 guards and 5 cameras throughout the museum, as well as a 6th guard in the security room. Ideally, you'll want to kill 4 of the guards before answering their pagers and bagging their bodies, then dominate the last guard so that he cuffs himself. Once you do that, you can go around and melee the 5 cameras. This way you won't have to bother with the guard in the security room. With all 5 guards and cameras taken care of, you're free to secure the paintings and escape. Don't rush yourself with disposing of the guards, always make sure you're in a position where there's no camera and no incoming guard before you kill one. You can dominate a guard in the bathroom if one walks in there, as chances are he won't be spotted at all. Try and melee the guards instead of using your gun, as you may accidentally hit a window or something else that can alert the guards. Also, as you're walking around, one of the doorways will have a laser grid across it - make sure you don't step into it, otherwise you'll set off the alarm!
Recommended skills for doing this are: Smooth Talker (Mastermind Tier 1), Dominator Pro (Mastermind Tier 2), Chameleon (Ghost Tier 2), Cleaner Ace (Ghost Tier 2), Shinobi Ace (Ghost Tier 3), Martial Arts (Ghost Tier 3).

The below video is from before Patch 1.02, so ignore the fact that he dominates the guards. On Patch 1.02, cuffed guards can be detected by other guards and cameras, thus it is not recommended at all, except for the fifth guard. You can only answer 4 pagers across your entire team with the Smooth Talker skill, so the fifth guard will have to be cuffed. Kill, answer pagers and bag enemies until you can't answer any more pagers. In order to buy the contract on Crime.net, Framing Frame costs between $625,000 (Normal) and $3,300,000 (Overkill Pro) from your off-shore account.


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