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Payday 2 - I Wasn't Even There!
Tutorial Name: Payday 2 - I Wasn't Even There!
Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials
Submitted By: Kixa
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On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.
This is the last of the stealth trophies. This is rather similar to Painting Yourself Into a Corner, in that you'll have to kill/disable 5 guards and 5 cameras before you can safely advance. This can be done solo, but it is easier in co-op. If you're doing this solo, make sure to bring a Doctor Bag in case the vault appears in the dining room on the bottom floor, as you'll take damage when running back and forth between the laptop and the vault (as you'll have to jump down).
First of all, remove the guards and cameras from the equation, similar to how it was mentioned in the aforementioned trophy. With all guards and cameras dealt with, you're free to go about your business. Find the 5 objects throughout the apartment (they can be spotted with the laptop on the roof), then set them up on the roof. Once done, locate the bookcases throughout the apartment and move them. There are 3 bookcases, and the staircase to the vault will appear behind one of them. You can find the bookcases in the bedroom (bottom floor), dining/lounge room (bottom floor) and kitchen hallway (top floor). If you're doing this solo, you won't be able to do it if the vault spawns behind the bedroom bookcase, as it will be too far away from the laptop.
Once you locate the vault, move all the bags of cocaine from the roof into the vault anteroom. Once done, use the laptop in the office to open the vault door. With the door open, you can use the laptop to deactivate the laser grid in the vault for 15 seconds - this is why it is recommended to be done in co-op. If you're in co-op, one player can stand by the laptop, whilst the other player can wait by the vault. Doing this solo requires you to deactivate the laser grid and then run down to the vault to grab a pile of gold before the lasers reappear. Once you have all the gold out without tripping the lasers, move them up to the zip-line on the roof to get your trophy.
Recommended skills for doing this are: Smooth Talker (Mastermind Tier 1), Dominator Pro (Mastermind Tier 2), Chameleon (Ghost Tier 2), Cleaner Ace (Ghost Tier 2), Shinobi Ace (Ghost Tier 3), Martial Arts (Ghost Tier 3). If you're doing this solo, you'll also want Sprinter Ace (Ghost Tier 1) and Cat Burglar Ace (Ghost Tier 1), so that you can get to the vault fast enough.
The below video is from before Patch 1.02, so ignore the fact that he dominates the guards. On Patch 1.02, cuffed guards can be detected by other guards and cameras, thus it is not recommended at all, except for the fifth guard. You can only answer 4 pagers across your entire team with the Smooth Talker skill, so the fifth guard will have to be cuffed. Kill, answer pagers and bag enemies until you can't answer any more pagers.
In order to buy the contract on Crime.net, Framing Frame costs between $625,000 (Normal) and $3,300,000 (Overkill Pro) from your off-shore account.
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