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Watch Dogs: Big Brother - Walkthrough

Tutorial Name: Watch Dogs: Big Brother - Walkthrough  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Sean

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Views: 1,753

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Objective: Join the party in the backyard, head inside Nickys home, listen in on Nickys phone

Hack the gate to open it then head to the house on the left. Around the right-hand side of the house is the entrance to the backyard. After the cut-scene plays out go inside the house to speak with Nicky. When her phone rings hack into the conversation.

Objective: take down the suspect, hack the callers phone for answers

Check your map to see a marker and head over there to find the person who just called Nicky. As you get close the suspect will make a break and get into a car. Grab a vehicle and follow closely but behind the perp. As you tail him, hack lights and blockades to until he comes to a stop.

Once the criminal runs off on foot chase him down. Remember using a gun doesnt give you nearly as much experience points. If you keep chasing him hell eventually stop running and you can use a takedown on him for maximum experience points. Hack into his phone and the mission is complete.


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