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Watch Dogs: Grandmas Bulldog Rossi-Fremont Walkthrough

Tutorial Name: Watch Dogs: Grandmas Bulldog Rossi-Fremont Walkthrough  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Sean

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Comments: 0

Views: 1,740

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Objective: Connect remotely to Rossi-Fremont
Objective: Track the source of Damiens IP address

Follow the waypoint and enter the hideout to use the computer. Access the camera ahead and the interlude for another hacking minigame. Theres a timer on this so move quickly.

Turn the point above the timed point three times, then go up one more point and turn it twice. Unlock the right point and turn it three times then go back to the previous point to turn it another three times. Unlock the lower right point and turn it three times. Click the newly unlocked point at the bottom.

Using the camera grab the audio log on the left and then hack the elevator to open its doors. Hack the camera inside and move it up to the left to hack and move the elevator to the next floor. With the doors open hack the camera ahead.

Move this new camera up and left and hack the camera in the highest position on the upper floor. Now you can hack the man walking down the hall and hack the panel when he turns the corner. Time for another hacking mini game

Turn the point on the immediate left three times and the point to its right twice. Turn the top point once and the timed point in the middle once. Quickly unlock the left point and go back to the top point and turn it three times. Unlock the final point on the right to access the camera.

Angle the camera up to access the other camera across the room, angling it up to access the laptop then the camera next to it. Hack the other camera all the way at the top and get the audio log, then hack the laptop camera on the right, then the laptop and the camera in the hallway.

Tilt the camera left to hack another camera down the hall, then right for another camera in the hall. This camera is next to a panel which you should hack for another minigame.

Turn the bottom point once then turn the timed point three times. Unlock the upper left point and turn it twice then the timed point another three times. Turn the bottom point once, unlock the upper right point and turn it once and then the bottom point three times. Unlock and click the top-most point to access the camera.

Move the camera to the left for an audio log and hack the camera next to it. Move this camera up and hack another camera in the middle of the wall. Hack the camera on the far left, moving it left to hack a camera also on the left. Move this camera up to the right and hack the person walking down the wall who has a hidden camera. When he walks into the room hack the laptop camera and when he leaves the room hack the camera straight ahead. Move it left to hack the camera, watch the cutscene and finish the mission.


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