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2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil - The Moment of Glory

Tutorial Name: 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil - The Moment of Glory  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: Kixa

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Comments: 2

Views: 1,077

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Trophy description - Complete the Final match (major objective) in Story of Finals on World Class difficulty or higher

Trophy - Bronze

This is one of the hardest and most difficult trophies in the single player portion of the game. Thanks to jadaou for ponting out this tips:

So just to summarize in case people still can't get this trophy:

Even though the trophy description says "Major Objective", you DO need to complete all 3 objectives on World Class or higher difficulty. So this means you have to:

1.Win the game
2.Score 3 goals with Messi
3.Score 4 goals in total

For Objective 2, Messi must score 3 goals (at least).
For Objective 3, Argentina must have a score of 4 (at least). Messi's three goals (from Objective 2) will count towards the 4 plus any other goal to give Argentina 4 (even an own goal by Germany counts).

It doesn't matter if Germany scores or how many they score as long as you meet the three objectives above (I got the trophy winning 5-3, and Messi scored all 5).

You can also make things easier for yourself by turning off offsides and standing at the top of the German penalty box. Keep having your team lob long passes to you and then score. Argentina is strong enough defensively to keep Germany contained enough for you to win.

The next video shows an easy way to do this task easier:


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Ortho I can't win no matter how hard I try

I can feel you on that it's so hard to win


I can't win no matter how hard I try