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Sniper Elite III - Three birds, one stone

Tutorial Name: Sniper Elite III - Three birds, one stone  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Kixa

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Comments: 1

Views: 945

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Trophy description - Destroy all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7)

Trophy - Bronze

This trophy can only be obtained in Mission 7 - Point du Fahs Airfield. On the eastern side of the map (which is the far side from where you start) there are three large bomb dumps. When you get close to them an optional objective will begin which will require you to destroy all three but to get this trophy, you must destroy all three at the exact same time.

Firstly you will need a rocket launcher (Panzerschreck) which can be found at either end of the runway, either at the top of the watch tower where the sniper nest is located or outside some green tents at the other end. Once you have the rocket launcher head to the three Bomb Dumps. You will need to make a fire next to an explosive barrel at the Southern Bomb Dump with the flint and steel item which you can equip in your weapon wheel. Once this has been placed you have 20 seconds before it explodes (a timer will appear at the bottom right of the screen). Move back and then aim your rocket launcher right between the two remaining Bomb Dumps. Once the timer for the flint and steel reaches 1 second, fire your rocket launcher. With some luck all three Bomb Dumps will explode at the one time.

Alternatively you can throw down some dynamite close to two of the Bomb Dumps and then place flint and steel near by. This will trigger both dynamites to explode, taking out two Bomb Dumps. Again when the timer gets to 1 second, shoot an explosive barrel at the third remaining Bomb Dump.

For a video walkthrough of the trophy, see this video by Harry94_:


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I missed this on my first run, thanks for the tips