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Halo 2 Skull Guide (Whuppopotamus) 5G

Tutorial Name: Halo 2 Skull Guide (Whuppopotamus) 5G  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: -GoldCoast-

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Comments: 1

Views: 1,598

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Hello and welcome to my very first Halo 2 Skull guide!

This is the skull I will be showing how to collect. The skull name is "Whuppopotamus"

Skull Effect:
AI become more observant, noticing even active camouflage, shadows, the sound of reloading or drawing a weapon, footsteps, etc. They also have better accuracy and are much less likely to kill themselves or their teammates with explosive weapons.

For this skull you need to choose the mission "Cairo Station" and choose the difficulty Legendary.

At the beginning of the level, after you power your shields for the first time, Sergeant Johnson shows up on an elevator. Wait in the room until Johnson starts berating you, telling you to get into the elevator. You MUST wait for him to say, "Would it help if I said please?" This takes approximately four minutes and forty seconds. Once he says this, get in the elevator, and go up to the tram. Get on the tram, and face towards the INSIDE of the building. Press up against the glass doors towards the inside of the building. You should hold X down, and you should pick up the Skull. It's on a stack of crates, near the end of the tram ride.

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Probably one of the easier skulls to acquire in the game