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Halo 2 Skull Guide (IWHBYD) 5G

Tutorial Name: Halo 2 Skull Guide (IWHBYD) 5G  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: -GoldCoast-

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Hello and welcome to my very first Halo 2 Skull guide!

This is the skull I will be showing how to collect. The skull name is "IWHBYD"

Skull Effect:
Rare combat dialogue becomes more common.

For this skull you need to choose the mission "Outskirts" and choose the difficulty Normal.

This is by far the hardest Skull to obtain. For the Skull to spawn at all, all previous checkpoints must be obtained. You can progress through the level normally to get IWHBYD, but the easiest way is as follows. From the beginning of outskirts, run into the first hallway. A single Grunt will confront you. Kill it, and then look overhead. You will see two lights on either side of the hallway. Jump on to one of them, and then crouch jump up to the higher platform. From there turn around and run along the thin ledge to the right of the alleyway below.

Across from it, you will see another platform. Jump to it, then Grenade Jump or double jump onto yet another higher level. From there, look left and you will see a nearby rooftop, jump to it; go to the right and head down that alley, where you'll be able to jump onto the higher rooftop. Head to the top left corner (make sure you crouch when walking to the corner it helps) and wait for two checkpoints to pass. Do not move from that spot until then.

After the second checkpoint when the Pelican leaves, look to the right where the Pelican first spawned, and jump down onto the bridge below. Grenade Jump or jump on the banister and crouch jump onto the rooftop ahead and run forward over to above the little alley where your Marines wait for you to advance and wait for the checkpoint there. Backtrack to where you first jumped onto the rooftop in front of the bridge and head left towards where the Pelican leaves. Run along the rooftops until you reach the flat part of the bridge and jump down. Jump from the bridge into the alley below and run up the cement ramp. Turn right and you'll see some boxes. Jump onto them and get onto the roof to your left. From there, look right and jump onto that rooftop. Head to your left.

You should now be on the other side of the sniper alley, facing a small bridge where a Jackal Sniper spawns. Head to the right and you'll see two interconnecting balconies. Head to the one furthest from you, and go through the door. If you've done things right, you'll see the Skull between a sniper and some ammo. Be warned, the Skull will only appear if you've obtained all previous seven checkpoints. There is also a checkpoint over the Skull's room, so wait to get it before you go inside.

If the Skull does not appear, then simply revert to last checkpoint and try again. If you want to save the Skull, (in case you fail in the fight with the Elites) you should exit the room and proceed to get another checkpoint. Save and quit. Restart and go back to room with the Skull. It will always be there. When you grab the Skull, you'll be transported into the alley. You will have only a Plasma Pistol, and must fight off seven waves of Ultra Elites (wave one starting with one Elite, wave two with two Elites, and so on).

This is much easier with the permanent invisibility glitch. If you die in the alley with no checkpoint after the checkpoint in the Skull room, there will be several white flashes, you will be reverted to the checkpoint in the Skull room, the Skull will disappear sometimes and will not take effect. Also, if you attempt to escape the alley, you will get teleported to the Elites' position and lose all your collected weapons. Once you kill all seven waves, the Skull will become active.

If you get a checkpoint while fighting the Elites, save and quit. You will restart where you saved and then you can continue killing them. Saving here will enable you to load the IWHBYD effect (by killing the remainder of the Elites) after the Xbox is turned off, although the actual Skull will not be reloaded.

If you manage to get the skull to spawn (appear) then do not grab it straight away; walk around for a while until you get an another checkpoint then get the skull, That way if you die while battling the seven waves of elites, you can just try again instead of having to restart the level

You can battle the Elites with the skull if you so desire. To do this, the second you grab the skull, leave the room and drop it over the balcony. It will fall into the alley you fight the Elites in and sometimes will go straight into your hands.

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