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Metro Redux - Enlightened

Tutorial Name: Metro Redux - Enlightened  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: _Mark

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Views: 329

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Found the truth.

This achievement is obtained for sparing the Dark Ones at the end of the Campaign. If you managed to earn enough Moral Points during the course of your playthrough, then after awakening from the dream-like sequence, you will see the Dark One laying below the guidance system, reaching for it, trying to stop it - all the while still repeating the message of: "...we want peace". You will have about twenty seconds to destroy the guidance system and stop the missile strike, thus earning the achievement.

As for Moral Points, they are a hidden system within the game that don't do much other than affect the ability to destroy the guidance system. Without enough Moral Points, you simply cannot obtain this achievement because the standard "Ranger" ending will automatically begin after awakening from the dream-like sequence. Generally, each time you gain a point, your screen will flash white for a few seconds. There are several opportunities to gain Moral Points throughout the game - and you don't need to obtain all of them - so you shouldn't have any issue achieving this ending.

Below, you can find a short checklist of general Moral Points available throughout the game:

Listening in on friendly NPC and enemy NPC conversations

Following orders from NPC allies (Bourbon & Khan)

Giving bullets to beggars

Exploring alternate paths within a level

Refusing rewards (Ammo from Sasha's mother)

Interacting with objects (guitar in Arytom's room, piano in bar, etc.)


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