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Halo: Spartan Assault - Escort Service

Tutorial Name: Halo: Spartan Assault - Escort Service  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: 1989

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Comments: 1

Views: 229

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Escort Service

Keep all Wolverines intact in Operation A, Mission 3

In this mission, you will spawn alongside two Wolverine mobile tanks and be required to escort them to the furthest side of the cliff towards the North East of the map. This achievement is very easy, as the Covenant forces do no do that much damage to the Wolverines with their standard Plasma Repeaters and Plasma Pistols.

The only enemies in this mission are Grunts and Elites. From the start, simply run forward, and start taking out all the Covenant forces that stand in your way. Be sure to either occupy the Shade Turrets and blow them up, so that the enemy cannot use them.

If the Wolverines take any type of damage during the course of this mission, thats okay, it wont effect the achievement. The only way to void this achievement is if either one of the, of both, completely blow up. Just be sure to backtrack behind the tanks when necessary, because once you reach the middle section of the cliff, some enemies will begin spawning behind you. Also, do not step right in front of the tanks as they might run you over!


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Not a hard achievement to get, but nice tutorial. You could just use speed boost most of the time to make it easy to go from one wolverine to the other, but nice guide man!