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Far Cry 4:Fully Loaded-Gold

Tutorial Name: Far Cry 4:Fully Loaded-Gold  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Island-Time

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Views: 639

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Learn all skills (Campaign only).
In order to earn this trophy, you will have to learn every single skill in the game. This means that you will have to learn every skill for both The Tiger, and The Elephant. This will be the most time consuming trophy that you will earn, as not only do you need to earn skill points, but you have to unlock the skill as well by doing certain tasks in order to even learn that skill. In order to view your skill point menu, select the "Skills" section from the select menu. There are a total of 48 skills.

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You will earn 1 skill point for every 2000 XP that you earn. The requirement does not change after "leveling up", as there really isn't a level system in the game. You earn XP by doing just about everything in the game. This includes: killing enemies, completing certain tasks, activities, missions, quests, collecting collectibles, and completing challenges. Gathering enough skill points to learn every skill will be a huge grind. We, however, found a useful method to farm XP rather quickly where you can earn 1750 XP in less than a minute. To view this method, refer to the video below:

There is a 3rd heavy enemy here, but he can be a little tricky to kill consistently. That is why we only suggest you kill the ones in the video. it will make things go quickly and smoother. Bear in mind that some skills have more than one ranked, so they will have to be learned multiple times. This includes: Karma Boost, and Duration Boosts. All of these skills will have to be learned 10 times in order to fully learn the skill, below is a list of every skill that you must learn, and how to unlock it. When you learn your final skill, the trophy will unlock.


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