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How to downgrade if you already have a jailbroken ps3

Tutorial Name: How to downgrade if you already have a jailbroken ps3  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Island-Time

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 3,517

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


1) Take '999' Downgrader or rogero downgrader, rename the file to 'PS3UPDAT.PUP and place it in your USB flashdrive in such format: USB FLASH DRIVE > PS3 > UPDATE >PS3UPDAT.PUP

2) Connect the USB to the PS3

3) Go to your PS3's XMB, go to Settings > System Update > Update via Storage Media and update your system from there to the '999' Downgrader.

4) Once updated, Launch Rebug Toolbox and go all the way to the right to 'Utilities' and ensure 'Toggle QA Flag' is not on. Then exit out of the toolbox holding 'O' on the controller.

5) Now transfer the 'ToggleQA.pkg' to the root of your USB and put it back in the PS3.

6) Now on the XMB, under 'Game' go to 'Package Manager' > Install Package Files > Standard Package Location > click on the 'ToggleQA.pkg' and install.

7) Once installed, go back under Game and launch the newly installed ToggleQA homebrew.
*your PS3 should launch the homebrew with the screen staying black, and while the screen is black, your PS3 will beep 3 times and return back to your XMB.
If you want to make sure QA flag was set, go to "Network Settings" then apply the following key combo (all at the same time):
L1 + L2 + L3 (press left stick) + R1 + R2 + dpad_down
You should see Edy Viewer, Debug Settings, and Install Package Files if done correctly.

8.) Take the 'Rebug 3.55.3 CFW', rename the file to 'PS3UPDAT.PUP and place it in your USB flashdrive in such format: USB FLASH DRIVE > PS3 > UPDATE >PS3UPDAT.PUP

Before continuing to step 9, please understand that you should NEVER have a game in the PS3 while installing CFW when ToggleQA is set.

9) Ensuring you have no disc in the drive, take that USB and connect it to your PS3 and simply update your PS3!Your now back to 3.55.3 rebug cfw.


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nice tutorial man very helpful :)