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Trials Fusion:Global Sizzling-bronze

Tutorial Name: Trials Fusion:Global Sizzling-bronze  

Category: PlayStation 4 Tutorials

Submitted By: Island-Time

Date Added:

Comments: 1

Views: 451

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Destroy all the ecosystems on 'Eden' in a single run
This trophy is medium difficulty, and what makes it hard is the fact that you cannot fault during the first ecosystem. You want to use Pit Viper.

Wait for a few seconds at spawn point to be set on fire by a flying platform.
Proceed to the end of the first ecosystem, without touching the water. You cannot stop or slow down for too long, because you'll crash. If you fault at any point, you'll need to restart the track.
You need to turn off the water fountain by dropping down on a button.
Once you pass through a burning ring of fire, and a gate closes behind you, you can relax. After that point you can fault as many times as you want. That completes the 1st of 3 challenges.
Continue on the track, until you reach a broken pipe, spraying oil.
Drive to the top of the hill, and find a ramp with an electrical wire on top of it. Touch it with your front wheel, to set your bike on fire.
Roll back down into the spraying oil, to complete the 2nd of 3 challenges.
Continue down the track until you see a little waterfall in the background (you'll be sitting on a wooden deck)
Trigger the checkpoint and roll back down to press a button and complete the 3rd of 3 challenges. Your trophy should pop at this point.

Here's a video by Maka. One note is that during his run, @35 seconds, he performs a bunny hop off his back tire. This can be tricky, especially if you're not an expert rider. Instead you want to get to the top, and slow down as you are about to reach it. Then land on it with both your wheels and perform a regular bunny hop over the water. You still need to do it fast, because otherwise you'll catch on fire, but it's easier than doing it in one step as shown in the video:


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Great guide, didn't take me to long to get