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How to Create a Simple, Clean, Avatar with C4D and Photoshop

Tutorial Name: How to Create a Simple, Clean, Avatar with C4D and Photoshop  

Category: Graphics Tutorials

Submitted By: DBK

Date Added:

Comments: 7

Views: 4,819

Related Forum: Graphics Forum


Required Programs:
Cinema 4D
Photoshop (I use CS6)

Please Note: I created and thought up all of these avatars by myself. I didn't copy anyone's work.

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make: [ Register or Signin to view external links. ]

First Step:
Open Cinema 4D and Go to render settings. Copy my settings.

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Step 2:
Go to Mograph > Motext.

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Step 3:
Copy these settings for your motext. You can make the font to whatever suits you best. I am using Lobster 1.4.

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Step 4:
Double click in the materials tab near the bottom of the program. Then, double click that material and copy these settings. Drag the material onto the text you have created. Again, you can use whatever color you think looks best.

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Step 5:
Duplicate your Motext by clicking the Motext and Cmd + C - Cmd + V. When you are done it should look like this:

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Step 6:
Click on the material you made previously. Hold Cmd and drag the material to the right of the first material. You should now have two materials. Double click the material you just created and copy these settings.

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Step 7:
Drag that material on top of "Motext 1". You should now have a dark blue "Motext 1" instead of light blue. In the "Attributes" menu, change the depth of this Motext to 20 instead of 95.

Step 8:
In the "Attributes" menu for "Motext 1", go to "Caps" and copy these settings. Use the arrows on your text to move "Motext 1" to the middle of the original "Motext".

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Step 9:
Go to the Middle-Top of the program. Click on the middle of the three icons in this picture:

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Step 10:
Open Photoshop. Go File > New and copy these settings.

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Step 11:
Click the "Paint Bucket" on the list of icons on the left of the program. Then change your color to what you want your background to be. Click anywhere on your project. This should change the background from transparent to your color of choice.

Step 12:
Import your Cinema 4D text and drag it onto your project. Center it. If you have any questions on how to center it, please PM me.

Step 13:
Go to the side panel and choose the Rounded Rectangle Tool.

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Step 14:
Click and drag until it is the way you like it. Let go. Now fill it just the way you did the background. If it asks you to rasterize the layer, click yes.

Step 15:
In the layers menu, click on the rectangle layer and drag it under your text layer. It should look like this when your done:

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Step 16:
Double click the Rectangle layer. You should get blending options. Copy these setting exactly:

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Step 17:
Go Image > Image Size

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Step 18:
Copy these settings:

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Your Done!


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"How to Create a Simple, Clean, Avatar with C4D and Photoshop" :: Login/Create an Account :: 7 comments

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Loads of broken links again, it does sound look detailed though


I give this an 8 nice pictures and simple tut but I would've liked a video also


Very decent tutorial mate, very detailed and love you includes the images.


Who knew using Photoshop was so easy? Very efficient tutorial.


Yeah all images are down so you may want to update the tutorial if you remember what images you had.


These images are disappeared so I guess to try my best on how to do this. ?


Images seem to have disappeared :/..