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Applying a Texture to a Selection in Photoshop

Tutorial Name: Applying a Texture to a Selection in Photoshop  

Category: Graphics Tutorials

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How to Apply a Texture to an image in Photoshop

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Ever wondered how edited pictures or websites often have a slight texture that only applies to a certain part of an image? Such as the texture used in this logo design? Well in this simple tutorial I'm going to show you how to achieve this effect.

Step 1: Assets
    Unedited picture or element
    Texture image (wall, metal, wood, etc.)
    Basic Photoshop knowledge (layers, tools, overlays)

Step 2: Open the picture you intend to add a texture to

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I'm choosing to add a texture effect to the 'FaZe Clan' logo, however textures can be added to any picture, design, etc. to create a more complete, realistic look.

Step 3: Placing the Texture Image

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Now that you have the image you desire to add a texture to is opened in Photoshop, you're going to want to add the texture to a new layer and place it over your original picture.

Step 4: Editing the texture layer's options

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You need to adjust the grey-scale of the image to avoid ruining the colours of the original image and to bring out the shadows that textures intend to bring

    To do this select the texture layer, then select it's content by pressing 'Command+A' (CTRL A for PC)
    Press 'Command+U' (CTRL+U for PC) and move the saturation slider all the way to the right

Step 5: Editing the Texture Layer Options

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By default, layers will just stack onto each other instead of blending together. To fix this and get the texture to blend with your original image we you must switch the texture layer to overlay. This will allow the highlights and shadows to stand out.

    From layer blending styles, select overlay from the drop down box.

Step 6: Masking the texture

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Right click on the texture layer and click "Create Clipping Mask"

Congratulations, you have just learnt how to add texture to an image in Photoshop! If you have any questions regarding the tutorial please don't hesitate to contact me via Private Message and I'll be sure to respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and I hope I was able to help or assist anyone.

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"Applying a Texture to a Selection in Photoshop" :: Login/Create an Account :: 16 comments

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Place logo > place image/texture > Change blending option to overlay, done.


Nice tut easy to follow bit the first picture is broken


Very detailed tutorial you smashed here mate, will have to use this guide for sure.


Lovely detailed tutorial, thanks a lot.


Thanks for the tip brotha.


Will definately use this tut in the future


Very interesting indeed


Thanks for this tutorial, this is interesting!


Thank you for this tutorial, it has really helped me :)


Really helpful tutorial.