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Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - Mission 2 - Collectibles Guide

Tutorial Name: Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - Mission 2 - Collectibles Guide  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: RepBandit

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Views: 1,149

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Mission 2: New World

    6. Locate the Generator: When you control the drone/robot, you will have to enter a large room with lots of enemies. When you enter the room, on the right side, is a collectible. You can only pick it up after you have killed the enemies with your drone and destroyed the generator.

    7. Locate the Explosives: After chasing down a high value target, you will see some cutscenes and be in a frozen train station where robots attack you. Go up the escalator on the left to find a collectible next to a trash can.

    8. Locate the Explosives: After going through a dark corridor with enemies, you will enter a large room that looks like a workshop. There is a broken part of a train with a ladder in the middle. Go downstairs and search the shelves to find it.

    9. Locate the Explosives: After a cutscene, you will be in a driving train. In the first train compartment you enter is a collectible (not the one you start in, the next one after that).

    10. Locate the Explosives: While still in the train, very shortly after the previous collectible, you will come to a train compartment that has some stairs leading to the upper deck. Go upstairs to find a collectible on a chair.


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