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Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - Mission 10 - Collectibles Guide

Tutorial Name: Call of Duty Black Ops 3 - Mission 10 - Collectibles Guide  

Category: Xbox One Tutorials

Submitted By: RepBandit

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Comments: 1

Views: 811

Related Forum: Xbox Forum


Mission 10: Lotus Towers

    47. Go to the Security Station: A couple of minutes after the mission begins, you will have to use an elevator to get to a shopping mall with many civilians and enemies. In the first shop on the left side is a collectible. It is hanging on the wall.

    48. Breach the Air Vent: The collectible is in the room after breaching the air vent, in a locker on the left.

    49. Go to Taylor's Holding Cell: In the area where you get attacked by the ASP (big robot with turrets and rocket launcher), look in the office upstairs to find a collectible (statue) on a table.

    50. Go to Tower Two: After pushing a container with your teammate to get outside, you will have to jump across some rubble to get to the other side. There are many robots spawning in this area. You will come to a section with some oriental market stalls. Follow your teammate until you have to climb up a structure at the end of the area with the market stalls. Then, turn around and look on the rooftop behind you to find a collectible (piece of carpet). Do this before wall-running with your teammate, as it will trigger a cutscene and bring you to a new area.

    51. Hack the Console, Go to the Mobile Shop: You will come to a burning area where many robots attack you. As you go up the hill, you will see the wreck of one of the large elevators you saw earlier in the mission. In this wreck is a collectible (golden lantern).

    52. Bring down the VTOL Leviathan: During the Boss fight against the VTOL, on the rooftop, to the right of where you start, is a collectible in a destroyed building.


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Detailed guide, going to go through the rest as i can.
