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Getting on Online with PSNinja or psnpatch

Tutorial Name: Getting on Online with PSNinja or psnpatch  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Island-Time

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Views: 4,985

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


Note: The Spoofing is not a requirement unless you're console has already been banned.

Note 2: This is a Requirement, if you're following this, you'll need to be using a JAILBROKE PS3. If this isn't the case just turn around cause you're looking for something else.

Note 3: The words Mount & Start MEAN two different things. Mount is to get the game loaded into memory from multiman or webman which CREATES the disk icon in XMB to Start the game from. Start is to begin the game from the newly created disk icon in the xmb

Two main tools: PSNPATCH & PSNinja.

Firstly we'll look at the PS3 XMB GAME column.
If you scroll through the list, you should see webman or multiman or both if your setup is like mine. Now should also see psnpatch & psninja. If you don't see any of these things, then you will need to aquire them and have them installed on the ps3 before advancing.

Now we'll need to "mount" the game using Webman or multiman, webman works for me.

Next we'll need to "Start" PSNinja, now you'll see list of options, we only need to wipe history, now replace history & exit.

Back at the XMB now, scroll to PSNpatch and start it. You should be presented with a grey background/ white txt screen. Now remember this guide only assumes that your console has NOT been banned. So we only need to use the triangle button which "Temporarily" disables cfw and any cfw related tools although webman and ccapi continue to work, so go ahead, hit the Triangle button, it then backs out to XMB with a single beep upon success.

Upon success we once again find ourselves at the XMB after a single beep, so scroll up to the disk icon and stop here. DO NOT START YET. Scroll over to the sign in column and sign in to your PSN account. Usually takes a minute so be a bit patient. Once signed in, scroll back to the game column and Start the created disk icon.

NOTE 4: MW3 gamers should wait to sign in until after the game loads to start menu then sign in using the xmb.

These two main tools are easy to find, Google is your friend.

Note 5: I did not create these tools nor do I take any credit for them. I only made this particular writeup in hopes of helping people keep from getting banned right off the line.

Writer: LKaan


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