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SEN Enabler full tutorial

Tutorial Name: SEN Enabler full tutorial  

Category: PlayStation 3 Tutorials

Submitted By: Island-Time

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Views: 6,864

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What can do SEN Enabler?

Enables/disables SEN/PSN access
Enables/disables flash writing
Shows PS3 data
Shows help/credits menu
Changes language to english, spanish or french
Deletes important files sent to Sony
Hides PS3 data
Patches MAC
Patches *********
Patches PSID
Patches TargetID
Patches data from USB
Turns off the PS3
Restarts PS3
Exit to XMB

What CFWs are supported

CFW 4.21
CFW 4.30
CFW 4.31
CFW 4.40
CFW 4.41
CFW 4.46
CFW 4.50
CFW 4.53

Restore CFW folders

To restore them simply press L1 while SEN Enabler is starting, you will hear a beep if all goes fine and you will see debug folders on XMB

Install IDs on internal HDD to patch

Since v5.1.2 is possible to patch IDs from PS3's internal HDD, for that you must use SEN IDs Packager (included)

We only need to extract the executable file where we want and then load it, we'll insert the IDs we want to create txt files and finally press Create PKG button, the PKG will be created in the same directory where the exe is with the name SEN Patcher Package.pkg, this PKG must be installed on your PS3, will install the txt files on PS3's internal HDD for patch with R3 button in SEN Enabler menu, so, if there is no USB connected will search in SEN Enabler folder, and if there is a USB connected will search on it

If we don't patch some IDs, we will leave it blank, you can choose what IDs want to patch

Restart PS3 system

In the main menu press SELECT button, after pressing it PS3 will restart

Restart will set CFW FULL mode (Requested for some people)

Shutdown PS3 system

In the main menu press START button, after pressing it PS3 will shutdown

Shutdown will set CFW FULL mode (Requested for some people)

Exit the program

In the main menu press CIRCLE button, after pressing it will exit to XMB

Enable/disable flash write

To enable/disable flash writing press TRIANGLE in the main menu
If flash writing is disabled, the text next to the TRIANGLE button will be:

"Enable flash writing"

Instead if is enabled the text will be:

"Disable flash writing"

So, TRIANGLE button enables/disables flash writing

Once activated will return to the main menu pressing CROSS button

Enable/disable SEN/PSN access

Enable SEN/PSN access

To enable SEN/PSN access press SQUARE button in the main menu
If SEN/PSN access is disabled, the text next to the button SQUARE will be "Enable SEN access"

Once activated and if all went well, will display the following text:

"PSN/SEN access enabled successfully"
"Do you want to reboot?
"WARNING: If you don't reboot your PS3 system will be unstable"

In this screen is RECOMMENDED restart pressing CROSS button, then in XMB you will have your PS3 with SEN access. Instead if you press CIRCLE button will return to main menu, but if you want to exit with CIRCLE will not let you leave, showing the following text:

"Please restart instead of exiting"

It is a safety feature to not block the PS3, instead exit to XMB restarts with SELECT button

So, SQUARE button enables/disables SEN/PSN access

Disable SEN/PSN access

To disable SEN/PSN access press SQUARE button in the main menu
If SEN/PSN access is enabled, the text next to the button SQUARE will be "Disable SEN access"

Once disabled and if all went well, will display the following text:

"PSN/SEN access disabled successfully"
"Do you want to reboot?
"WARNING: If you don't reboot your PS3 system will be unstable"

In this screen is RECOMMENDED restart pressing CROSS button, then in XMB you will have your PS3 without SEN access. Instead if you press CIRCLE button will return to main menu, but if you want to exit with CIRCLE will not let you leave, showing the following text:

"Please restart instead of exiting"

It is a safety feature to not block the PS3, instead exit to XMB restarts with SELECT button

So, SQUARE button enables/disables SEN/PSN access

Show PS3 information

To show PS3 information press L2 button in the main menu
Once pressed will show the following information on screen:

Firmware: Real firmware without spoof
Machine: Retail (CEX), Debug (DEX) or Ref.Tool (TOOL)
Resolution: Current resolution
SEN/PSN access status: SEN current status
CPU and RSX temperature: Current CPU/RSX temperature
Flash write: Flash write status
Current/spoofed MAC: Current or spoofed MAC
ConsoleI Current *********
PSI Current PSID
IDPS: Current IDPS
TargetI Current TargetID
Motherboard: Info about motherboard

Every change will be saved here

When finished you can go back to main menu pressing CROSS button

Show help/credits menu

To show the menu press L1 button in the main menu, will show data about all menu options
To show the credits press RIGHT in this screen, and to go back press LEFT button

When you are done you can go back to main menu pressing CROSS

Restore CFW folders

To restore them press L1 while SEN Enabler is starting, you will hear a beep if all is fine, when it finished will be there again on XMB

Options menu

Press X button in main menu to display this screen, you can change the following data (it's a start for future options )

Change language
Enable/disable sounds (beeps)
Enable/disable log

- Change language

SEN Enabler can change language to Spanish, English, French, Polish and German, only press button to switch them

When the language is selected press button to save it and go back to main menu

If you want to add more languages, please contact with me

- Enable/disable sounds (beeps)

Simply press triangle button to enable or disable

- Enable/disable log

Simply press circle button to enable or disable

Hide data

To hide data press R1 button on main menu

This option patches/hides data to hink Sony you are in the last FW, and other ones (syscalls)

Once hidden you will unable to mount any game, and some backup managers will show error, then will finish you can change select FW mode, there are the following:

CFW Mode [Full CFW]
CFW Mode [Only packages]
CFW Mode [Only app_home]
OFW Mode [All disabled]
Actual mode

Simply press the button and you will have your FW mode changed
There is no need to restart the PS3, the changes are saved instantly

Delete files

To delete important files press R2 button in the main menu


Change TargetID

To change TargetID press L3 in main menu

When you are in the Targets menu, you can select one of the following:

UP: Changes TargetID to 0x81
DOWN: Changes TargetID to 0x82
RIGHT: Changes TargetID to 0x83
LEFT: Changes TargetID to 0x84
L1: Changes TargetID to 0x85
R1: Changes TargetID to 0x86
L2: Changes TargetID to 0x87
R2: Changes TargetID to 0x88
L3: Changes TargetID to 0x89
R3: Changes TargetID to 0x8A
TRIANGLE: Changes TargetID to 0x8B
SQUARE: Changes TargetID to 0x8C
CROSS: Changes TargetID to 0x8D
CIRCLE: Changes TargetID to 0xA0

Once changed you will go back to main menu

This change is not permanent, it resets to default when PS3 is rebooted

How to patch data from USB

To patch data from USB press R3 button in main menu, remember to choose the device to find patcher files in settings menu

This option patches the following data:


This option has three important files to do that and are included, that files and its content are the following:



# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #

ConsoleI 00000001008500020123456789ABCDEF

* Only change what is marked in red WITHOUT MOVING ANY CHARACTER


# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #

PSI 11112222333344445555666677778888

* Only change what is marked in red WITHOUT MOVING ANY CHARACTER

As you can see, never move any character, only change them, if not will fail

Only change the line with yours, for example:

00000001008500020123456789ABCDEF -> 00000001008600050989796959493929

Same in th other files

This files must be on the root of your USB device (in FAT32 format). It's not necessary to have all the files to patch only one, you can choose, simply put the txt file you want to patch

For example, if we want to patch *********, we must copy *********.txt file to the root of our USB device and in the main menu press R3 button, as i said before, you can choose what you want to patch

Once patched, there is no need to restart the PS3, if you do that all the patches is reset to default, it's not permanent

How to patch MAC

To patch MAC is neccessary to have MAC.txt file on an USB device or on PS3's internal HDD

Its content are the following:


# #
# SEN Enabler patch file #
# #


* Only change what is marked in red WITHOUT MOVING ANY CHARACTER
Press CIRCLE button on main menu, LV2 will restart and you have your new MAC patched

If it doesn't change, shutdown the PS3 and turn on again and patch it

Advanced mode (Quickly patch)

This option is activated while SEN Enabler is started and you press R2, R1 or L2 button until you hear a beep

It has different options, R2 button patches:

********* (If you want)
PSID (If you want)
MAC (If you want)
Deletes important files (Sent to Sony)
Hides PS3 data
Umount devices
Set OFW mode (Without app_home and Install Package Files)

And R1 button patches:

********* (If you want)
PSID (If you want)
MAC (If you want)
Deletes important files (Sent to Sony)
Hides PS3 data
Umount devices
Set actual mode (Without changes on XMB)

So, R2 button patches all that data, and set OFW mode, while L2 button set CFW mode with app_home enabled, and while R1 does all and doesnt change any mode, your XMB will be the same

To patch *********, PSID or MAC, you must have patcher files on the root of your USB device connected to the PS3 (is explained above), the rest is done automatically

Once patched you can log in

Remember to do all while your game is mounted and ready to play

Credits go to Nathan_r32_69


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