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Creating a TTG-ready avatar
Tutorial Name: Creating a TTG-ready avatar
Category: Graphics Tutorials
Submitted By: Zesri
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Comments: 8
Views: 1,329
Related Forum: Graphics Forum
Creating a TTG-ready avatar
Start off by creating a new PS document in the shape of a square (1:1). 100x100 or over will be fine. Keep note that all avatars must be under 100kb and will be scaled down to 100x100.
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Paste your preferred image into the document.
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Using the Ellipse Tool, create a circle the same size as your document by extending its corners.
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Lower the Circle's opacity to about 35%.
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You should get something like this.
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Everything within the circle will be visible as the avatar and everything outside of the circle will be hidden.
Once you are content of what you have, hide the circle's layer.
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That's it. You are now ready to save the image (File > Save for Web) and use it as an avatar!
Damn this is a pretty cool way to go about it. This is a more simple avatar but i'm sure that you can build off it as you gain more experience with graphics applications. I'd love to see some more of these :)
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